Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Warning to the Evangelical Church:

A Warning to the Evangelical Church:

Today, John Edwards left the presidential race and for good reason. He did not have the support needed to win. Why was that? I believe that it was because the causes he was fighting for are not really important to most Americans, especially the evangelical church. I realize that John Edwards did not represent himself as an evangelical, but the issues that he emphasized are the issues that Jesus emphasized

John Edwards was a champion for the poor and disenfranchised and so was Jesus. John Edwards spoke of the hunger and lack that we have in this country. He said that he was looking for one America, not a divided America, and that one of the signs of One America would be “One America where no child will go to bed hungry because we will finally end the moral shame of 37 million people living in poverty.”

To me, it is a moral shame that the evangelical church finds it necessary to take a moral stance on abortion, homosexuality, and the family, and then, completely ignores the moral shame of poverty in our midst. This is especially in view of Jesus words in Matthew 25:31-46, “when you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it unto me.”

This is an even further shame, when the basis for judgment is whether or not one feeds the hungry, clothes the naked, gives shelter to the homeless, refreshes the thirsty and visits the sick and prisoners. The fact that a man like John Edwards can be completely ignored speaks of the moral shame of America the Beautiful.

The Christ of the Logos

From the second century onward, the message of Jesus was misunderstood and misrepresented by orthodoxy, reshaped to fit theological construc...