Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Perfect love casts out fear

There seems to be a lot of fear mongering these days on every front. People are fearful of the economy, of the government, of gangs, of terrorists, of national debt and, the list goes on and on. From my evangelical circle connections come warnings of impending judgment and doom. It seems that fear is prevalent and, a driving force in day to day living and, yet those who are spiritual from many different persuasions have a message of the unconditional and undying love of the God of the Universe. Many are afraid, (here is fear again ;), of the connotation that the term God has received by various religious groups and, thereby are fearful to use the term; Yet, Bill Harris, in his Longevity CD, presents the following affirmation. “You are vibrating with energy, perfection and love,” What an interesting phrase; energy, perfection and love describe God. In other words, he suggests that we are vibrating God; that God indwells us at a molecular level. The New Testament says something very profound and I quote, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” (1John, 4).

As I meditate these days, I am becoming increasingly aware of the fact that I personally must allow myself to be made perfect in love and this realization casts out all fear and brings peace. In other words, being in the presence of God casts out fear and being in the presence of God is as easy as acknowledging his presence in all things. It is living in the present moment, in the now (thanks Eckhart Tolle). The present moment is the presence.

I am tired of the fear mongering. If you are fear mongering, don’t share it with me. On the other hand, if you are vibrating with energy perfection and love, I will take all the encouragement I can get. I want to reclaim some of the terms that have been co-opted and corrupted by evangelical Christianity. The indwelling Christ, the Christ within is this vibration of energy perfection and love. If you want to thump the bible, claim a specific revelation and, demand that a certain meaning is absolute then go ahead, but I for one am going to begin to use the combination of terms and allow them to have a new earth meaning. There are ways that we can be far more inclusive and remain true to an abiding faith in Christ. I am hopeful that over time more and more people of all faiths will embrace this ideal.

Finally, if this post seems to be scary remember that perfect love casts out all fear and that the one who fears has not been perfected in love.  I am trying my best not to throw the baby out with the bath water when it comes to my Christian walk and faith. I know, a good writer shouldn’t use so many clichés but sometimes you have to

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Forty Day Rule

Remember the scene in the movie the secret where they were explaining why things don’t manifest immediately when you think them; it was an elephant in the room and the aftermath of what that may have meant….big smile. I have come to realize that there is a specific time lag in the manifestation of intentions. It is the six weeks rule or more accurately the forty-day rule. Why forty days you ask? Well we can find that forty days is an important period of time in the bible. After all, Jesus went into the desert to fast for forty days after receiving the Holy Spirit. It essentially took forty days before he returned to manifest his spiritual power.

Think about it; it is said that it takes between thirty and forty days to create a habit, and personally, I intuitively go with the idea that it takes forty days. In fact, I would encourage you to test out this theory. Anything that you can put your attention towards for forty days will begin to manifest. Often, when it appears that the law of attraction is not working for people they tend to give up rather quickly and I know that I have been guilty of this myself. How often do we put our attention toward any kind of an affirmation for forty days straight? There are ancient calendars that have the years broken into forty day segments.

You can find this explanation at “A quite exact cross-reference between the cycle of the solar day and the cycle of the solar year can thus be recognized in the rate of a 40-day cycle--where the rate of 1 day in 40 days is equal to 2.5 percent of time and the rate of 3205 days in 9 years is equal to 97.5 percent of time. (The combination of these two rates of days--when extended perpetually throughout time--can be used to effectively account for 100 percent of the passage of each annual annual circle on the average).”

There are other sources that speak of forty days and you can find out about it at the creation-answers website. Numerology and the cycle of nine relates nicely to the forty day period.

I would like to have a group of people test this theory. If you would sincerely concentrate and focus on affirmations for forty days, and give me feedback it would be greatly appreciated. You can give me the feedback at Here is what I propose you do. Mark the calendar and begin to concentrate with your full intention for forty days. I would appreciate a detailed report of your findings. You should develop affirmations for the forty-day period. You should concentrate, meditate and put your full present intention on this for forty days. I am believing that you will be amazed with the results and will be able to give positive feed back.

Remember. Email me with the results in forty days.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Freeing Your Mind by Roy Heeley; A book review

I recently read an e-book written by Roy Heeley entitled Freeing Your Mind. It is an excellent read that will help you evaluate your thinking and provide you specific steps to alter your thinking which in turn will help you have a more positive outlook which will bring more positive outcomes in your life. Roy writes about “life sentences” which, is a play on words meaning that we often speak and think things that become self fulfilling prophecies that act like “life sentences” to us. These “life sentences” keep us bound in deleterious thought patterns that continue to manifest things that are not in our best interest and, end up causing us trouble in life.

Here is Roy’s own words about life sentences: “So what are these Life Sentences that I am talking about and affect our lives so significantly? Well as you can imagine from the name, just like a lifetime jail sentence, it’s something that that places you in bondage, holds you captive and controls your life. It’s every bit as confining and limiting as a jail cell but, resides in the confines of the mind, the sub-concious.”

He goes on to provide details that are very helpful in understanding this phenomenon. He helps you identify some of the “life sentences” that may be operating in your mind. Things that people say when you are a child often form these things very deeply. You may have been told that you cannot carry a tune, or you’re no good at math; they can be sentences that adults say to you that keep being repeated until they become a belief that your subconscious mind believes and acts upon.

He also offers techniques that will help to free you from these life sentences ergo, the title Freeing Your Mind. The method that he recommends and uses as a life and motivational coach is EFT by Larry Craig. If you are inclined to look at books like the Secret, The Power of Now and A New Earth, you will do yourself a favor by reading Freeing Your Mind. You can find it here and you can check out Roy’s blog and website. Thanks Roy!

The Christ of the Logos

From the second century onward, the message of Jesus was misunderstood and misrepresented by orthodoxy, reshaped to fit theological construc...