Col 3:1-4 So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (2) Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, (3) for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (4) When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory.
In my view there are two important themes in the New Testament. This means that one can rest assured that there were two essential themes being taught in first century Christianity or as they were originally called, "the way" which is the meaning of "the Tao." One was the mystical connection to the source, God, and the importance of loving each other and putting the good of the other above the good of self. The so called synoptic gospels were mostly about loving the other, and Paul's writings and John's gospel focused on the mystical, metaphysical aspect of the kingdom or the rule of God. Throughout the New Testament writings, the authors taught about these two themes.
It is my belief based upon study, meditation, and the resulting illumination that comprehending and growing in the mystical, metaphysical aspect of the message automatically heightens and promotes the loving and doing aspect of this message. It is through the comprehension of the mystical, metaphysical that we gain the understanding of our non-dual oneness with all that is. John sets the stage for how Jesus teaching were mystical and metaphysical as well as love-action oriented. I want to acknowledge the importance of both. But I believe that one is the driving force for the other. The mystical, metaphysical supernaturally ignites the flame for accomplishing the natural aspects. So John stated right up front, that the Incarnate Jesus was the container to house life and light. The life, the mystical, supernatural, metaphysical, Spiritual life that was in Jesus was the light of all humanity. That life and light were there for the two themes as well. The life gave light to the fact that Jesus (human incarnation) and God (Father and source) were one in each other, and that beyond that symbiotic relationship, they were in each disciple as well.
So, let's bring this back to the concept of quantum mechanics that is the true nature of matter and the cosmos. One discovers that all matter, is essentially empty space or dark matter, and that there is vibrating energy that creates corporeal reality. This source energy is self aware, and has the capability of knowing that it is being observed and changing as a result of this awareness. In the source the rules of our common understanding of matter break down and it is possible that the basic building blocks of the material world can be in two places simultaneously. Metaphysics gives the additional insight that the source is ultimate thought and that it is good. Added to that, you have the apostle John stating in two places in his writings for emphasis that God is love. Specifically, God is agape/selfless love. So the New Testament offers an assurance that other sources hint at. The creative source of the cosmos is benevolent. The source is concerned for the good of all creation. The source loves all creation.
Paul the mystic explains that humanities apparent two natures are really a false observation. He says in the above passage from his letter to the Colossians that Christ's example shows that the self-ego is crucified, dead and our true identity is life that is hidden in God with Christ. John explained that Christ, or as I think more aptly explains it, the "Cosmic Christ," the anointed Word of the source that speaks the thoughts that form all matter, Is the creative force of the cosmos. Paul here is actually expanding the explanation of what Jesus meant when he said that he was in the father, that the father was in him, that he and the father were one, and in each of us, and that we are in the father and him and are one.
So here is the reality of the situation. You and I are really not separate beings. The reality is that we are all dwelling in the source, and are an intricate part of the source. The appearance of our separate selves is really an illusion and we are connected with God and each other. This realization makes the second theme of the New Testament and the first century Christian message a natural outcome of true reality. We cannot help but love one another when we realize that we are really loving ourselves when we love others; that when we seek the good of others we are really seeking the good for ourselves. Wow, doesn't an idea like that change the world and the way we look at it? Here is the reason and the ability to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Here is the reason and the ability to love our enemies, to love those who despitefully uses us. Here is our reason to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give shelter to the homeless, visit the sick and prisoners.
Where Christianity, Other Religions, Metaphysics, and the Law of Attraction Meet. There is but one creative source, and the source has given mystical revelation throughout the millennia. My goal is to point the recovering Christian toward eclectic and syncretistic spirituality and a panpsychist view of reality.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
A fresh look at living in the Shadow of the Almighty: The cosmic application of Psalm 91
Psa 91:1-16 You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
Here is what living in the shelter of the Most High and abiding in the shadow of the Almighty actually means in my view. It is the same as being in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. It is being aware of the matrix or the unified field, knowing and realizing that your higher conscious self is seated in that realm at all time. It is knowing that you are intrinsically connected to the universal energy force of creation that is the word of God and the cosmic eternal Christ. It is accessible by meditation and stillness of mind and soul. There is really no place where it begins, and you leave off or where you leave off and it begins. It is the place of connection to all that exists in the universe. It is the source of all agape love. It is the Tao, (the way.) There is so much spiritual power therein and spiritual power is actually the prime energy of the cosmos. It is birthed out of conscious thought and is what holds the universe together and it is the Christ, the powerful Word of God. It is the dwelling place where the Spirit, the Word, and the Father are one. However, the Spirit, the Word and the Father emanate from this place to all reaches of the cosmos. That is to the quark, the amoeba, the outermost galaxy and infuses all creation with light and life… light and life being the observable effect of energy.
The secret place, the shelter of the Most High and the Shadow of the Almighty is the All in All. It is the source of all that is. It is the realm where even darkness is bright light. Unseen light is still light none the less. There are many qualities of light in the light spectrum that are invisible to the human eye and the darkness is indeed light. The darkness is in the eye of the beholder and not true darkness. This light is the energy and life of all that lives, and even inanimate objects live with the vibrations of light. The consciousness of the universe is in every material object. This is to explain how unexplainable and incomprehensible being is the shadow of the Almighty really is. This knowledge should invigorate and inspire each of us to reach new exalted heights in our spiritual evolution that is always and ever on an upward expansive spiral. It is the antidote to division and strife.
(2) I will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust." (3) For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence; (4) he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. (5) You will not fear the terror of the night, or the arrow that flies by day, (6) or the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or the destruction that wastes at noonday. (7) A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. (8) You will only look with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
All of the above is merely descriptive of the watchfulness and care that is afforded those who are willing to dwell in the secret place, the Shadow of the Almighty. I should perhaps take a minute to explain the punishment of the wicked. It merely states the karmic law of reaping what is sowed. The punishment of the wicked is the end result of decisions and actions that are not in harmony with the love that is the source of all that is. All that is not sown in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, meekness and self-control will reap a negative reward for the sower in some way or form.
(9) Because you have made the LORD your refuge, the Most High your dwelling place, (10) no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent. (11) For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. (12) On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone. (13) You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot. (14) Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name. (15) When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will rescue them and honor them. (16) With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation.
When one becomes increasingly aware of the secret place, the Shelter of the Most High, the Shadow of the Almighty, one begins to reap the benefits of the faith and trust placed in the cosmic reality of energy that is love and light. It is the place where matter is created and can be changed. The more in tune one becomes with the cosmic Christ, the more ability one has to change the material world. This happens in degrees and stages and should not be construed to accuse those who suffer from lack or disease as being less than, or deficient in faith. Rather, it should encourage all to explore the realm of the Cosmic Christ, the Secret Place of the Most High, and the Shadow of the Almighty. May we ever meditate and move upward and onward to the heavenly places in Christ Jesus to become dwellers in the secret place.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The conscience and the fear of death
My purpose in writing this blog is to show that Christianity and metaphysics are not mutually exclusive. That is why I am comfortable being inclusive with various forms of spirituality and religious practice. Jesus of Nazerath offers a unique solution to one of life's biggest fears. That is the fear of the uncertainty of death, the grave, and the afterlife. I want to clearly separate myself from those who see that the death of Jesus was substitutionary to satisfy God. The substitutionary aspect of the death, burial and ultimate resurrection of Jesus was to aleviate the fear of death. The writer of Hebrews explains that the fear of death is a slave master.
There is a name for the fear of death and it is thanatophobia. It manifests itself in many ways. It produces anxiety, panic attacks, heart pulpitations and a myriad of other symptoms. This seems to affect all people whether or not they are religious. It seems to manifest most in people from the age of 20 years forward, and tends to lessen in people as they grow older. Still, it affects a large share of older individuals that tend to fear the process. It results from feelings of lack of control. And it also greatly affects the younger family members of older people.
In the most severest of cases it can produce anger, agitation, persistant worry, guilt, and deep sadness. Certainly, it is a pyschological issue that can be treated with information. However, there is great solace and comfort in the metaphyisical and spiritual realm. While a lot of mainstream orthodox and evanglical dogma can add to the problem, especially of guilt and worry, a deeper understanding of who we really are as eternal spiritual beings can be very helpful in aleviating the symptoms and helping one to find peace.
As the blog suggests, I am a Christ follower. I have a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus and actually communicate with him on a daily basis and it is reciprical as he communicates back to me. He is constantly reminding me of his love for me and that in Him I and the Father are one. I am confident in the fact that Jesus and the Father will not relegate any part of humanity to eternal torturous punishment and conversely has reconciled all, justified all, and has made all eternal. That is certainly what the apostle Paul really teaches in his writings. There is not enough room on this blog post to prove it but I will give a link to another one of my blogs that offers reasonable and logical proof. You can find that post here if you are interested.
But back to the topic at hand, the fear of death and the conscience. The writer of Hebrews explains that one of the reasons that Jesus, the Word of God incarnated was to overcome death. Heb 2:14-15 "Since, therefore, the children share flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared the same things, so that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, (15) and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by the fear of death." This simply means that Jesus was willing to take on human flesh to die to prove that we are eternal humans. He had such faith in the Father that he was willing to die knowing that the Father would raise him from the dead.
But it was more than that. It was also to cleanse the conscience. The conscience plays a big role in thanatophobia. It is the fear of wondering about retributive justice. The conscience imagines that we may deserve some form of punishment for our deeds here on planet earth. Therefore, humanity creates religions to list a set of principles that will pay the price for our misdeeds and guide us into a better way of living. But, Jesus taught that the way to live was a way of love. It was agape/love, God's love. It was to love the other as we love ourselves. What can produce this agape love within us? The truth is that one powerful way was in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus of Nazerath. The writer of Hebrews put it this way: Heb 9:14 "how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to worship the living God!" That is why Jesus was willing to die. It was not to appease an angry God. It was to cleanse the conscience so the fear of death could be eliminated in victory over death.
The scripture explains that Satan is the accuser of the sisters and brothers. I believe it is very similar to the cartoonish little selves on each shoulder wispering in the ear. Satan is that voice within ourselves that accuses; says we are inadequate, that there is no way God loves us. But, we can overcome that voice by the understanding that God loved us so much that he was willing to take on mortality just to prove we are eternal. That love brings peace which is the antidote to thanatophobia. And as a bonus, that love allows and enables us by the indwelling divine nature to love others, serve others just as we love and serve ourselves.
There is a name for the fear of death and it is thanatophobia. It manifests itself in many ways. It produces anxiety, panic attacks, heart pulpitations and a myriad of other symptoms. This seems to affect all people whether or not they are religious. It seems to manifest most in people from the age of 20 years forward, and tends to lessen in people as they grow older. Still, it affects a large share of older individuals that tend to fear the process. It results from feelings of lack of control. And it also greatly affects the younger family members of older people.
In the most severest of cases it can produce anger, agitation, persistant worry, guilt, and deep sadness. Certainly, it is a pyschological issue that can be treated with information. However, there is great solace and comfort in the metaphyisical and spiritual realm. While a lot of mainstream orthodox and evanglical dogma can add to the problem, especially of guilt and worry, a deeper understanding of who we really are as eternal spiritual beings can be very helpful in aleviating the symptoms and helping one to find peace.
As the blog suggests, I am a Christ follower. I have a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus and actually communicate with him on a daily basis and it is reciprical as he communicates back to me. He is constantly reminding me of his love for me and that in Him I and the Father are one. I am confident in the fact that Jesus and the Father will not relegate any part of humanity to eternal torturous punishment and conversely has reconciled all, justified all, and has made all eternal. That is certainly what the apostle Paul really teaches in his writings. There is not enough room on this blog post to prove it but I will give a link to another one of my blogs that offers reasonable and logical proof. You can find that post here if you are interested.
But back to the topic at hand, the fear of death and the conscience. The writer of Hebrews explains that one of the reasons that Jesus, the Word of God incarnated was to overcome death. Heb 2:14-15 "Since, therefore, the children share flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared the same things, so that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, (15) and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by the fear of death." This simply means that Jesus was willing to take on human flesh to die to prove that we are eternal humans. He had such faith in the Father that he was willing to die knowing that the Father would raise him from the dead.
But it was more than that. It was also to cleanse the conscience. The conscience plays a big role in thanatophobia. It is the fear of wondering about retributive justice. The conscience imagines that we may deserve some form of punishment for our deeds here on planet earth. Therefore, humanity creates religions to list a set of principles that will pay the price for our misdeeds and guide us into a better way of living. But, Jesus taught that the way to live was a way of love. It was agape/love, God's love. It was to love the other as we love ourselves. What can produce this agape love within us? The truth is that one powerful way was in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus of Nazerath. The writer of Hebrews put it this way: Heb 9:14 "how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to worship the living God!" That is why Jesus was willing to die. It was not to appease an angry God. It was to cleanse the conscience so the fear of death could be eliminated in victory over death.
The scripture explains that Satan is the accuser of the sisters and brothers. I believe it is very similar to the cartoonish little selves on each shoulder wispering in the ear. Satan is that voice within ourselves that accuses; says we are inadequate, that there is no way God loves us. But, we can overcome that voice by the understanding that God loved us so much that he was willing to take on mortality just to prove we are eternal. That love brings peace which is the antidote to thanatophobia. And as a bonus, that love allows and enables us by the indwelling divine nature to love others, serve others just as we love and serve ourselves.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Loving my neighbor as myself is gaining a whole new meaning; Do you love yourself?
For most of my life I have read and heard Jesus words emphasizing an Old Covenant commandment enjoining all of us to each love our neighbor as we love ourselves. What I am beginning to realize is that I have never really felt that I should love myself. I think that over the years I may have been self loathing. Furthermore, I think this may be a common phenomena. This is especially true of those of us who were raised in fundamentalist, evangelical Christianity. I think that we were never really taught the difference between selfishness and self-love. I think that we were often taught that self-love was prideful, and for heaven sake we should not be proud.
As I reflect, I think that I have often loved my neighbor more than I have loved myself. In fact, if I did not love my neighbor more than I loved myself I would not have been very loving at all. So how did I arrive at this conclusion? Well, that's a great question. I have for most of my life been somewhat of a mystic. Mysticism has played a large roll in my walk with Jesus. The truth is that as a young man, I strayed from my faith in Jesus. As a child I loved Jesus. I loved the Jesus that inspired a person to write the song Jesus loves me this I know. But as I grew older, I began to dislike the Jesus that I saw portrayed Sunday after Sunday.
In leaving my faith in Jesus, I could not shake my faith in a benevolent creator God. In searching I explored Taoism, and Buddhism and with that I experienced spiritual practices among them being meditation. I experienced a lot of spiritual phenomena that I could not and would not dismiss. Eventually, I was drawn back to Jesus, but not the Jesus of the Sunday sermons. It was the Jesus who reached out to me and gave me a peace that I had not had before. It was a Jesus that assured me that he loved me more than I could imagine. It was a Jesus who revealed to me a different way of reading the scripture that showed exactly how loving He was and how big a factor grace played in my transformation.
In coming back to Jesus, as a middle-aged man, I continued to meditate and continued with mystical practices that included Him and his Holy Spirit. One such practice was to meditate to a specific type of music/sound that causes meditative states in the brain. It is called Binaural Beats. It actually helps change ones frequency. One of the meditations that I have in my computer's music library and my iPhone as well is a self-love meditation. I am confident that the Spirit of the living Christ Jesus has encouraged me to explore this meditation. I am finding that it is changing my view of myself. I am seeing that I am uniquely created to be an "I AM person and the person that I AM.
I think now that I can begin to take more seriously, the instruction to love my neighbor as myself as I am beginning to love myself. Who knows? Perhaps I will learn to love my enemy as myself as well!
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Quantum Mechanics and the Kingdom of Christ
The world we live in is not as solid as we would believe. According to quantum mechanics it is made up of mostly space with vibrating energy. It is my belief that Jesus and his first century followers were describing this world often as they were quoted and recorded by the first century saints. While the first century world was not sufficiently, scientifically sophisticated to understand the full ramifications of the reality that Jesus spoke about, he told them that in the future he would send the Holy Spirit the comforter to explain things that they were not capable of bearing and understanding. John 16:12-14 "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. (13) When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. (14) He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you." This is a message that speaks of ongoing revelation of things that they were unable to understand at the time. I believe beyond all doubt that this revelation and illumination continues to this very day. It is enhanced by scientists that have discovered the basic properties of the physical world and have experimental explanations for how miracles work. This does not cheapen or lessen faith it bolsters it in my view.
There are others who are also writing and speaking about this and have been doin so for much longer than I. One person is Steve Mcvey. Here is a link to his website Quantum Life With Steve Mcvey. He has studied quantum mechanics for some time, and is able to make the connections with things written in the Christian scriptures; both things that Jesus said and did, and things that other apostles have been inspired to write about him. I want to give Steve credit here because he has influenced my view of what the kingdom of God is. He explains that the basic energy level that is the source of the entire universe is made up of energy and is mostly space. If I understand him correctly, he equates that basic matrix, what the physicist call the unified field with heavenly places. He explains that the primal particles and waves of quantum mechanics show up and disappear thousands of times in a nanosecond and uses that to explain how we are seated in heavenly places in Christ. He goes so far as to explain that this primal energy field/source is the Christ.
While I am not as versed in quantum mechanics, I am quite taken with metaphysics and the ethereal spiritual nature of the cosmos. I am a staunch believer in Christ and consider myself a Christ follower. I have explored Taoism and Buddhism and find certain universal truths within their explanation of the world. There is after-all but one creator of the universe and I believe that it is the Word of God that incarnated in Jesus of Nazareth. I realize that over the centuries there have been a lot of things taught in the name of Jesus that are toxic to humans and their relationships with each other, but that in no way negates the gospel and his connection with the Godhead and his message from two thousand years past.
The apostle John explained in one of his letters that God IS love. If one believes that, then the source, the unified field, the matrix, the Christ, the Godhead is love and therefore the energy that is vibrating the world into existence all the time is love. If then we are made in the image of God, then essentially the atoms that make up our substance is love as well. So from my point of view, the way in which we are able to tap into that love, and become more what we naturally are is a most important pursuit. I believe beyond any doubt that one important way to achieve this goal is to better understand the metaphysical nature of us and the world around us.
I am struck by one of the verses on the image above this blog post. 2Cor 4:18 "because we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal." That sentence certainly sums up quantum mechanics.
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The Christ of the Logos
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