Tuesday, April 27, 2021

God Beyond Religion: Thought Forms, and Christian Denominations, Egregores Part 2

Jesus asked his disciples the following two questions, "who do men say that I am? The second question was "who do you say that I am?" Paul wrote that anyone who would come teaching a different Jesus should be accursed. However, let's look at some facts. The first two and one half centuries after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus was replete with many different portrayals of Jesus. The fact is, that it was only the state of Rome, under the Emperor Constantine that provided the atmosphere to curtail all the various ideas and expression of who Jesus was, and what that meant to humanity. Prior to the council at Carthage and Nicaea, there was a rich variety of thought forms created around Jesus of Nazareth.

Early on, besides Gnostic groups not considered at this time, there were egregores for each of the five patriarchal churches and, there were variations within those groups. These thought forms gained power and influenced the minds of those associated with them. Additionally there were many Gnostic groups that had an egregore of their own. It is interesting because those within the group do not recognize that they are greatly influenced by the thoughts coming directly to them from these thought form entities.

Fast forward to today. There are at least 30,000 denominations of Christianity according to various sources. I did a little research and according to the Center for Global Christian Studies at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary there are 41,000 denominations world wide. All one need do is look at the behavior and doctrine of each and one can easily see that they are influenced by a compelling force that keeps their minds captive believing that they alone are the preservers of correct theology concerning Jesus.

But, denominations not withstanding, there are various thought patterns that are egregores within Christianity. For example, orthodoxy is an egregore that has a life of its own. Evangelicalism is a thought form, Pentecostalism is a thought form. One can be influenced by many different thoughtforms at the same time. I am and claim to be a follower of Jesus. There are many different thought forms of Jesus followers. You get them from the environment that you are connected with, and they begin at birth and continue to the grave. However, one can change the thoughtforms that influence them by changing ones thoughts. Some thoughtforms are beneficial and some are not. Some are down right toxic. I believe that these egregores, thoughtforms are what Paul was referencing when he spoke about principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

As I have said many times, I am a follower of Jesus. I believe that there was really a Jesus in the first century. This is important in understanding the thoughtform about Jesus that influences me. I was introduced to Jesus from my first recollection. Jesus was always a part of my awareness that I remember. He was the Jesus of the children's song "Jesus Loves Me." He was loving, he was a protector, and he was accessible through prayer and though I did not recognize it at the time, through meditation, contemplation, and my thought processes. I will soon be seventy-five and this is from age one or two. The thoughtform that informs my view of Jesus is not judgmental. It is a very different thought form than that of many I have met over my life. Thus, this thoughtform assures me that I have a relationship with Jesus and that he is my constant companion. He is my Spirit Guide if you will allow that term. He has never left me and never will. I am not writing this to convince you that you should have the same egregore concerning Jesus. I am simply writing about how I see Jesus and know that he is real to me and very active in my day to day life. Still, through the enlightenment and understanding I have gained over the years from mystical revelation from the creative source, and the revelation given to other mystics, and the spiritual discernment I have as an individual, I still realize that it is an egregore, a thoughtform. However, it is a positive and very beneficial egregore. 

I am convinced that there are many out there who have had my experience and a similar life path that are influenced by this particular thoughtform. But let me reiterate, I am not trying to convince you dear reader to adopt this thoughtform. I am merely trying to make you aware of their existence and the extent to which they influence our thinking and therefore our day to day lives. I simply invite you to contemplate the possibility and be aware.

I want to end this by stating that not all egregores are positive. Some are toxic and some are down right malevolent. I will deal with these in further posts. However, if you read this and judge me a heretic, understand that you are more than likely concluding that based on the egregores you are being influenced by.

Friday, April 23, 2021

God Beyond Religion: The Power of Thought Forms - Egregores

Scientists of various disciplines are beginning to see the world that we inhabit as first and foremost consciousness. This is interesting in that ancient, Egyptian, Hermetic teaching explains that the creative source, called "The All" is mental and that creation is mental as well. The Judeo-Christian scriptures explain that the world was created by the Logos, or in other words, the consciousness of God and thereby, teaches that the world is a spoken thought construct and is essentially mental. Lao Tzu says that the Tao "is the source of all spirit and matter, expressing itself, it is the mother of all." By saying that it expresses itself it is likewise consciousness. Heraclitus and the Stoics of Greece also wrote and taught that the Logos, the conscious expression was the creator of all that is. While it could be that the original source was Hermetic teaching, it is equally as logical that the conscious creative source, revealed this truth through meditation, to a variety of willing mystics over the ages. The common theme is that the material world is a thought form. I will put links at the bottom for two videos by modern scientist that affirm the world is mental and basically consciousness.

If the world is truly a mental construct of divine consciousness, and I most definitely believe it is, then there is even more reason to believe that thought forms are an important phenomenon in creating the world we experience daily. Let me define a thought form. It is a thought that is expressed and shared by two or more people about anything. Interestingly, Jesus said the following. "wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I am in the midst."  In another place he expressed that wherever two or three touch and agree to anything, it will be accomplished. These thought forms have come to be known as egregores. Egregores are distinct non physical entity that is created by a group. In other words it is a thought form.

These thought forms, egregores take on a reality and identity of their own and interact with the group to enhance and perpetuate the thought form. It is my belief that there are many various thought forms that are at work in our societal world today. For example, I believe that the great divide philosophically and culturally in this country today is in large part the result of egregores that have an identity and a life of their own. They are in conflict, and compete for the hearts and minds of the American populace. MAGA is a thought form, but so is the "cancel culture." There are egregores created by families, churches, bars, and clubs. These thought forms have a great impact on what people think and to a great degree how they act.

The bottom line is that mentalism is a powerful force, and it operates whether or not people are aware of thought forms/egregores or believe they exist. One does not have to believe in them to be influenced by them. This is all the more true if the universe as we know it is basically a conscious mental construct. These thought forms exist outside of and, apart from our brains. I believe that they actually have the capability of putting thoughts in our heads at times. Many times they are in the form of unconscious thoughts that may appear to originate within us, but upon careful examination one can discern that they did not originate in their minds.

So then, people aware of the existence of egregores can get together and mindfully, purposefully create thought forms that are much more beneficial to themselves and society around them. Imagine the power of an egregore that centers around the concept that the creative source of the universe is love. That it wishes to see the advancement and enlightenment of humanity. Or, centers around the idea that humanity is on an upward spiral of enlightenment, and that we have begun an age where love and concern for the other will be the driving force. That each and every inhabitant of the earth are indeed in the image of the creative source, and all have can participate in the divine nature. Remember that wherever two or three are gathered with a thoughtful purpose in mind they will indeed create an egregore that can attract others to join in.

As I promised at the beginning of this post, here are a couple of links to video's that speak to the fact that we are all essentially consciousness, and that the material reality is a mental construct.

The Case Against Reality

Everything Is Mind

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

God Beyond Religion: Eclectic Spirituality, Five points to discern spiritual truth

I'm quite sure all of you understand the definition of eclectic, but to be certain and precise, I will provide the dictionary definition. Adjective: "deriving ideas, styles, tastes, from a broad and diverse range of sources." Noun: "A person who derives ideas, styles, and tastes from a broad and diverse range of sources." 

So what do I mean by eclectic spirituality? First, my assumptions and presuppositions are as follows: Over the history of humanity, the creative source, God, has given mystical revelation about the nature of the spiritual, energetic reality that undergirds the material universe. These mystical revelations have been given to a variety of mystics from various cultures. This includes creative ideas that have led to advancement in all of the sciences and material progress such as inventions and other scientific discoveries. In Greek culture this source was thought to be the Muses, which were Greek Goddesses that inspired new ideas in literature, the sciences and the arts. Many people have had experiences where they have a novel and beneficial idea that had not previously been thought about. It is a creative idea that can be manifested in writing, science or art. It is also my assumption and presupposition that all creativity originates from this source in what Jung called the collective unconscious, Huxley called mind at large and mystics throughout time have called the Source, God, Logos, Tao, One and many other names referring to the same singular entity. 

Eclectic spirituality refers to the mystical revelation about the nature of existence, reality, the afterlife, and the creative source of the universe. It also includes recent developments in the sciences that examine the nature of matter, and the psychological scientists that are examining consciousness. Some of the thought leaders in these fields are Donald Hoffman who wrote "A Case Against Reality," and Dr. Bernardo Kastrup who is doing scientific studies of the mind. Of course we must not exclude Peter Higgs, the founder of the "god particle" as well as many other quantum physicists. Although I must add that Higgs is not into mysticism and frankly is not happy that the particle he discovered is called the god particle.

So, what are some of the ancient sources of mystical revelation? Well, of course, since I have a background in Christianity and being a Jesus follower, there is the Christian scripture. I also, have adopted the Tao Te Ching as a source of revelation, and I have recently read the Kybalion and am finding that the hermetic writings of Egypt and Greece contain mystical revelation that is important in explaining our sojourn on planet earth, and our connection with the source of creation. I also look to the Stoics, especially Heraclitus with their writings about the Logos.

I do not see any of the above writings, including the Christian scripture as containing solely all mystical revelation. However, I do see mystical revelation within all of the above mentioned writings. So I am not one who sees the Christian Bible as inerrant and infallible and definitely do not see it as the infallible "word of God" as evangelical dogma teaches. I do however, strongly believe that each of us are given a higher self, a divine nature, an aspect of divinity that if we are willing to listen too, and are in tune with, will be able to discern that which is mystical revelation from the source of creation, from God consciousness so to speak, and that which is simply the cultural conclusions and the musings of humans as they think about spirituality. Certainly, much of the bible and some of all sacred writings from all traditions is simply "the way that seems right to humans." Likewise, the ways that seems right to humans usually produces spiritual dead zones. 

Five points to discern:

Here are five points that will aid in discerning what mystical revelation from the creative source is. 

  • It will promote love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and inward self control. Not from shame nor command, but from an inner peace and love, understanding that the universe is composed of and created by conscious loving energy which is our substance as well.
  • It will show forth that the creative source, God is in fact love. In addition to the qualities stated above in point one, it, the source will always forgive, and keep no record of wrongs.
  • It will convince and inform that we are eternal extensions of the creative source, and that we are in the creator and the creator is in us, and we are by nature first and foremost spiritual beings.
  • It will point out that we are indeed partakers of the nature of divinity first and foremost.
  • It will supernaturally develop a love within us based on the assurance that we are loved, eternally, and completely safe within the creative source, God.
This is a framework to examine all supposed revelation to aid in our development of eclectic spirituality. Eclectic Spirituality is inclusive of all mystical revelation from the creative source, God.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

God Beyond Religion: Soul and Spirit, Mind and Body, Mystical Theology Part 1

I recently conducted a small and unscientific survey of people on my Facebook page and in several of the Facebook groups that I participate in. Here is the question I asked. "What if anything, is the difference between the soul and the spirit in your view?" Not surprising to me, I received as many ideas as people that answered. So in the people that I currently hang with, there is uncertainty at best and absolute confusion at worst. Let me add that most of the answers came from people who are deconstructing or are outside of the mainstream of evangelical orthodoxy. Even there, there is a variety of conclusions, but dogma has a tendency to bring conformity.

It is my belief, based upon reading the Christian scripture many times, that there are two very important mystics that tell the Jesus story, and one quite reliable reporter. The two important mystics are the apostle John and the apostle Paul. The reliable reporter or journalist is Luke the physician. Let me add that when I mention John and Paul, I include any of their students that were influenced by them. There is an over-all mystical train of thought from Paul, and there is likewise, an over arching mystical focus by John. In many ways, there is an overlapping of their ideas about the nature of spiritual reality, and the same can be true of Luke the physician. What he reports is fairly consistent with the over arching mystical focus of John and Paul. I will include in this the author of Hebrews simply because of the close resemblance that the letter to the Hebrews has with Paul's mystical theology.

I want to introduce here the term "mystical theology" and differentiate it from theology in general. Perhaps I should instead call it mystical Christology. I think I will stick with mystical theology for the time but in my view the two terms are interchangeable. I use these terms because I believe that in all the writings of scripture both Christian and Ancient Jewish there is mystical revelation and also in the mix cultural conclusions. Let me say that this is as true in the New Testament as it is in the Old Testament. And no, the accusation of cherry picking is absurd and ludicrous. Those who claim that scripture is cherry picked show their ignorance of the nature of scripture. They are victims of an age old lie that posits that ALL scripture is infallibly inspired. That is a most ridiculous claim and is not worthy of debate here.

When I speak of mystical theology, I am referring to revelation that came directly from the creative source. Even then, it has a human imprint, but that is not a cause of concern as all of us are gifted with discernment if we were willing, and unafraid to use it; albeit religious dogma and thousands of years of orthodox doctrine makes it a difficult task. I do not want to confuse this term with the Roman Catholic area of study called mystical theology. In my view mystical theology is all embracing and includes mystical revelation from all religions and peoples across the centuries.

Since I am a Christ follower it makes sense for me to begin with Christian Mysticism. I want to dwell specifically on first century mysticism following the resurrection of Jesus. This is where Paul, John and Luke come into play. Paul and John were the mystics and Luke recorded the history of the mystical advancement of the church in his Acts of the Apostles. Even in the New Testament, the Christian Scripture, it is necessary to discern the mystical from the cultural. Both are prevalent in all of the writings.

When I refer to the cultural, I am meaning those things that are a product of Judaism and the first century Jewish culture. It only makes sense that Paul and John would understand their mystical revelation within the confines of their cultural and religious background. It is likewise important to take into account the Hellenization of the Jews and the degree to which Greek thought, especially Greek philosophy, played in the cultural aspect of their writing and teaching. 

We'll begin here with Paul. Paul wrote about four aspects of the human being. He wrote about mind, body, soul, and spirit. The Greek concepts were Nous/Mind, Sarx/Flesh, Soul/Psuche, and Spirit/Pneuma. The mind is corporate and individual. Paul speaks of a mind that is in the individual, but he also speaks of the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is corporate and I would say the equivalent of what Huxley called the mind at large. It is the collective consciousness. The body, flesh, or Greek Sarx is individual belonging to one person but is the incarnation of the mind, soul and spirit. The Soul/Psuche is likewise individual. It is the animating life of the individual and contains the individual spirit. The spirit is both individual and corporate. The spirit is the creative force and the divine nature that all people have. This is by reason of being image bearers of God who is Spirit. So when one thinks about humanity being created in the image of God, then it is being created as a creative spirit energy source.

The mystic or individual mysticism stems from the soul being connected to the spirit and the mind. It is the spirit of Christ and the mind of Christ, the collective consciousness that connects with the spirit and the mind of humans that brings about the mystical experience. Abraham Maslow referred to this mysticism as peak experiences. All humanity is capable of having these peak experiences, but some choose to ignore them or simply steer clear of them. The mystical masters throughout the ages were tuned into the mind of Christ, the mind at large, the collective consciousness.

All humans have the basic tools to operate mystically. Current psychology studying consciousness seems to believe that consciousness exists outside the body and the brain acts as a transceiver of sorts. This makes the body similar to an antenna receiving the conscious signals and transferring them to the brain for cognitive purposes. There is much to be learned about this four part human existence that will enable those entering this new millennium to make a gigantic leap in consciousness and enlightenment. I will explore this further in subsequent posts. This sets the stage.

The Christ of the Logos

From the second century onward, the message of Jesus was misunderstood and misrepresented by orthodoxy, reshaped to fit theological construc...