Tuesday, March 7, 2023

God Beyond Religion: Saved from Forgetfulness the Message of the Gospel of Truth

Before I dive into explaining the title, let’s examine the word Savior within the historical context of Jesus of Nazareth. In the first century of the common era, Savior (Greek Sotor) was a term given to Caesar. Caesar was the savior of the world because he provided “Pax Romana” Roman Peace. Also, there was an emperor’s cult that saw Caesar as a god man. Therefore, people were to give worship and allegiance to Caesar. This is an important understanding to have when one looks at the history of Christianity. The concept was not Roman. It was inherited from the Greeks and the Egyptians.

Since the term savior was commonplace in the first century, it is important to consider this when thinking of Jesus of Nazareth as savior. Savior from what? Well, for roughly 1,915 years, we have been told that it is from sin. I use the 1,915 years for this reason. It is from 30 CE to 1945. I say 1945 because it was the date of the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library. I realize that it took some time for that library to be translated, but I will use the date simply to give the time span of the method of salvation that has been the most widely accepted. That was the result of the emphasis being put on the bible. So, for almost 2,000. However, that was not always the truth. There were those who lived in the second and third centuries of the common era that saw salvation in a completely different light. One such group were the ones who wrote “The Gospel of Truth.”

For almost 2,000 years we were unaware of the Gospel of Truth, or that such a gospel existed. The reason is that it had been burned by the orthodox church, labeled as a heresy, and removed from the collective memory. It is interesting to me that I just recently took the time to read it. Interesting because I had been leaning toward a similar salvation. I had been leaning toward the idea that we all, not just Jesus, but we ALL, went through a similar experience before incarnating into the material, corporeal world. We all experience what Paul in Greek called “the Kenosis” or the emptying or our knowledge of our innate divinity and that we are children of the source, and the source is a loving parent and we are eternal.

Here is where the Gospel of Truth comes into significance. In italics, I will posit a writing from the Gospel of Truth. “What exists in him is gnosis, which was revealed so that forgetfulness might be destroyed and that they might know the Father, Since forgetfulness existed because they did not know the Father, if they then come to know the Father, from that moment on forgetfulness will cease to exist. We empty our knowledge of our divinity upon incarnating, and Jesus’ unique message was to reignite the awareness that God is the parent and we are divine. This was delivered to him via the divine logos. He became aware that he was the incarnation of the divine logos, that God was his parent, and that love was the mission. He went on to teach according to the apostle John, or one of John’s students, that we too are the incarnation of the divine logos by the anointing of the logos or the Christ of the Logos.

So, the question would arise why the forgetfulness? Here is the answer that resonates deeply with me. The Source, the Parent, is conscious awareness and knowledge, thus the Greek word gnosis. Yet conscious awareness lacks experience. To be complete knowledge must be accompanied by experience. Without experience knowledge is pointless. We then, individual conscious agents, the Greeks called it psuche, we now call it the psyche which was translated into to English as the soul. We as individual souls incarnate to experience the knowledge we had as divinity and in order for the experience to be authentic we must empty or divinity and forget it. And yet, the fact that we were created in the image of God is best described by being conscious agents or eternal souls.

If there was a sin, it would be an error. The Greek word for sin means missing the mark, and the Hebrew word for sin means missing the way. So then, being saved from error would mean being saved from our forgetfulness of who we really are and what we are really capable of, and where we came from. The salvation would be an awakening to this old reality in a new way, and that would be a rebirth. When we remember our divinity and our source we are born anew, we become a new creation.

The Christ of the Logos

From the second century onward, the message of Jesus was misunderstood and misrepresented by orthodoxy, reshaped to fit theological construc...