Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Age

I find that many of my Christian friends are fearful of the term "New Age" and see it as something to be avoided at all costs. That seems a little curious to me from a group that were the original "new agers." The ushering in of Christianity two thousand years ago brought to fruition a new age that has lasted for two thousand years. It was a shift in worship and awareness of God. It was a major shift in who could worship the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. It was a shift that brought about a new kind of mysticism and relationship with God. It was the "age to come" that was spoken of so often in the New Testament writings. It was prophesied by the great prophet Isaiah who speaking for God wrote, spoke, "behold I do a new thing." Still, when one considers any of the ideas that have come to be labled "new age" many Christians become mortified fearful that hell and damnation is at the very door.

A new age is just that it is a new age. It is a shift in spirituality and awareness of our connection to the God of the universe the ONE creative source of all that is. We are on the dawn, will I scare you if I use the term cusp of a "new age." It is dawning right now! It is so ripe that one can smell it in the air. It is a fragrance of change and the transformation of humanity yet again. Even among some of the most calcitrant evangelicals there is blossoming a new awareness of the Christ within. You can hear more and more of them acknowledging that they can be just like Jesus in this world. There is a longing for the kingdom to manifest in greater power.

Correct me if I am wrong, but one of the main focuses of Christianity is the Holy Spirit and therefore, it is a focus of spirituality and spirit. I think that we can safely embrace the spirit to guide us into all truth. There is much of the truth that is still shrouded from our awareness. Light will illuminate it. Sometimes it takes explorers to uncover new frontiers to later inhabit. There are many explorers that are venturing out into new awareness of spirit and connectedness to the source of all that is. I celebrate this and continue in the spirit of exploration. Maybe we should lighten up just a little with some of our fears. We could possibly miss out on a new land flowing with milk and honey.

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