Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Law of Attraction and Social Media Networking

If any of you business owners are interested in the Law of Attraction or, if any of you Law of Attraction enthusiasts are interested in being entrepreneurs, consider this. Social media networking is a perfect way to allow the universe to bring your positive affirmations to fruition. I don’t want to downplay the role that hard work plays in success but, one must also acknowledge that positive thinking and affirmation are a big part of success also. If any of you are interested in the word of faith or prosperity movement, just so you know, positive confession is affirmation. In fact, it should be obvious that the individuals who used “The Secret” so well were masters at networking. So then, it should naturally follow that since social media has become the powerful networking force that it is, it only makes sense that one who is trying to take advantage of thought creativity should use the social media networks as an important tool. I guess one could call it spirituality 2.0.

Since we see at the molecular level that all that we come in contact with, all that we own and participate in, where we live and work, what we drive, where we sleep, and all of our recreation including the beautiful scenery we enjoy on vacation is merely vibrating energy; It may behoove us to consider positive thought process in all that we say and do. The “law of attraction” guru’s all tell us that we can create our success in life. They state that we can bring positive vibrations into our energy fields that create reality for us. If this is true, and I believe that there is a lot of truth to it, then, it makes perfect sense to incorporate a social media strategy in all that we do so that it will make it easier for the universe, the source, to create prosperity and success.

Next time you form a connection with some one think about how you can benefit them in creating success and likewise how they can help you to bring about the success you desire. I think that this kind of a “what can I give” attitude will go a long way toward bringing prosperity and success your way. So then, socialize your self all you want….it has a “Secret” purpose.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Pain Body and Demonology; The Cure Redemption

In re-reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, chapter six, “Breaking Free,” the story that he tells about counseling a woman with a dense pain body and the events that followed remind me a lot of what Charismatic Christians say about demons and exorcism. The conclusion one would have to draw is that the collective pain body as Tolle refers to it is a spiritual entity with a maleficent mission. He even suggested that when the woman was able to release some of it, that it perhaps followed along with him to a restaurant and found a willing participant there.

This brings me to the idea of spiritual evil and pain. It certainly seems, if one looks at the nightly news or the cable news channels, that humanity is encumbered with a strong influence of evil. Further, when you look at road rage and, the apparent rage that is generated on both sides of the political spectrum within the health care debate, one must wonder if we are improving or digressing. It seems rather apparent to me that there is definitely a spiritual entity in this world that could be labeled evil or bad. And, it seems that this entity has the capability of taking people over at times. From the earliest times of western civilization it was called demons or the devil. Most all societies have a belief in evil spirits.

So then, it appears that there was at some point in time, some kind of a spiritual fall in humanity that begat the evil that we experience. Tolle explains it as being the development of the ego. In his view, although he does not state this to my knowledge, the devil, Satan is the ego. I like that definition. The survival instinct is the driving force of greed and, greed is the source of all pain and suffering. It was when we inherited the survival instinct coupled with the knowledge of good and evil, or in other words, the ability to judge right from wrong in our minds that the ego began. It came into being to justify why our efforts toward surviving was right and just, and, why when our survival came in conflict with another’s survival it was this ability to judge ourselves as right and the other as wrong that caused the development of ego.

This is why redemption is so important. Whether one can regain the relationship with the source through believing in the cross of Christ, or if they can become present and realize that they are an intricate part of the source, in other words, an intricate part of God, it does not seem to matter. This however is what is necessary for eliminating the pain body and exorcising the devil/ego. This must come from a sure knowledge that we are eternal, that we are considered okay and loved by God, the source and, that we have a purpose and, that purpose is to bring consciousness of the God within into the natural world. Our absolute faith in our eternal state, in our acceptance with God is the very thing that will overcome the greed and thereby help us release the pain body that the ego has caused.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Emergent; Emergent Church, Emergent Creativity, Emergent Marketing: The Emerging Age

There is a radical shift taking place in all of humanity. This awareness comes from a knowing deep within. It is reflected in the hopes of many people in various walks of life with varying focus but, it all points to the fact that on the horizon, just ahead there is great change coming. It comes with the millennial shift as a new age is dawning. It will be an age where the whole person, the whole brain, the whole of society will rise to a heightened awareness with a shift to wholeness of being and wholeness of purpose. It is under way and irreversible.

In the former age, people, families, governments and businesses were compartmentalized. We as individuals have/had one way of being at work, one way of being at home with family, another way of being in church or social groups. I believe that all of these ways of being are becoming merged into a whole. This is certainly suggested by Eckhart Tolle in The New Earth, but as I explore the emerging scene, I find that there are those on the radical front that are already incorporating the spiritual with the natural in new areas, especially in business and marketing. They are suggesting that one, anyone can tap the creative source, the mind at large, God if you will allow that term. While they do not use the term, they point toward the intuitive in a way that validates the idea of the muses.

This shift, as Tolle points out is a shift in awareness of being. We are more than the sum of our parts. It will be interesting to watch how our institutions will react to this shift. I am sure that some will radically oppose the shift and will fight against it every step of the way. In the end however, it will only be those who surrender to the shift that will find that the change will happen painlessly and quietly.

This is a critical time. It is a time to reflect and reevaluate. It is a time to learn and grow and mostly, it is a time of incredible opportunity!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Nuance VS. Tradition

I was a speaker at a conference over the weekend, one of several. It was a conference on evangelism. The setting was an inner city ministry in the San Francisco Bayview District. My goal was to give a fresh perspective on evangelism and discipleship as I see the two inextricably linked. They are two sides of the coin of church/kingdom growth. Since it was a mixture, it seemed to me that the topics sort of canceled each other. In the past, I would have been angry and would have tried to fight against those ideas that I thought were counter productive. Since reading A New Earth by Eric Tolle, I see things differently.

Instead of being up tight, I readily accepted the conference for what it was, i.e. all that it was. An interesting thing happened as a result of that. The course of events evolved to the point where I was able to connect with someone who could really benefit from my understanding...point of view. So, when I was able to recognize my ego getting up-tight and then by simple awareness let go and relax, it all worked out miraculously.

The problem I see with much of evangelical Christianity is, many people cannot distinguish between nuance and tradition when interpreting the bible. It seems that so many think that they can literally understand the bible and that its message is plain. I say that it is only really plain when one looks through the lens of tradition...and then, it is not really plain, but it is easy to pick out the plain traditional message. Furthermore, when people find the Spirit of God, whispering an idea that does not square with the traditional view of interpretation, they discard the voice of the Spirit and sometimes even credit the Spirits promptings with the voice of the Devil.

I believe that the Spirit is showing me by nuance, a slight difference that ends up making a drastic distinction in interpretation. The bible in my view is solely redemptive in its message. It is designed to bring the individual to the point of understanding the great love of God and the lengths that God went to have a relationship with humanity. In the nuance, I see that it does not really support the egoic group constructs that divide so many. I have also learned that I need to let go and allow God to change the situation. He acheives that through me at times one person at a time.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Health Care Reform WWJD

From time to time there arises a political issue that I cannot pass up. The healthcare issue is it for me right now. I cannot believe that there are any people who object to a public option for healthcare. It seems so obvious to me that the politicians who are against the public option and, healthcare reform in general are indebted to the insurance companies. I guess I shouldn't get started on the subject of large corporations and what they are doing to us. One thing is certain, they are not interested in benefiting us common people. They are interested in making as much money and building up as much profits as is possible.

The truth is that we should have a government operated single payer plan here in our country but, I guess we will have to settle for a public option. I would think that the middle class would rise up with anger at those who are trying to thwart the advancement of significant healthcare reform. My goodness gracious...did I say it was obvious that the insurance companies are trying to maintain their profit at the expense of the poor, the uninsured and finally the middle class. Certainly we pay the price for all of the people that insurance companies will not cover. We pay it in higher health care costs.

Next, when the Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats claim that health care will hurt small businesses I think to myself...give me a break! You cannot be serious! A public option would allow small business employers to forget healthcare all together. They would not have to pay for the insurance of their employees period. I suggest that we all look at who is receiving money from the insurance companies and then reach the reasonable conclusion that they are not looking out for us!

Finally, what would Jesus do? Well, read Matthew 25:31-46 and I think you will see that Jesus was all about making sure that we take care of the underpriviledged and less fortunate. In fact, it was selfishness that would cause one to not make it into the kingdom (Matt 25:46). And, for the law of attraction, generosity begets prosperity.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Self, The Flesh, The Ego

Eckhart Tolle, in his book A New Earth writes about the ego...egoic mind and explains how that keeps us acting in an unconscious manner. According to Tolle, and I believe him, the ego...egoic mind prevents us from experiencing a greater sense of our purpose, of our connection to the source, God and, to the peace and fulfillment that we were created to have. In my view, from a Christian paradigm, it is the ego that keeps us from being aware of the Christ within each of us and, keeps us in what Paul called the flesh and what we have come to call the self.

The ego, the flesh, the self want to be in control of all situations. In fact, we feel helpless and anxious when the self/ego is not in control. The self/ego is our seperateness. It is what distinguishes us from others. It is part of our survival instinct. The ego does not want to surrender to God and his ultimate goodness. It keeps us fearful of what may happen when we are not in control, but, as Tolle points out so graphically, our ego/self/flesh is an illusion. It is really not in control at all... not really.

Therefore, dying to flesh is really dying to the ego...egoic mind, the self. In the beginning of our transformation, it is merely recognizing the ego whenever it shows itself. It is recognizing that there is no past or future but really only "right now." It is in the "now" that we begin to experience the Christ within us. One has to be focused on the Christ within right now. Now, whenever now is for you is really the only time you can experience the Christ within. Tolle points out that we cannot rid ourselves of the ego by our actions or by our doing anything. There is no solution except to be aware that we are connected to the source, his words, I would choose to say the Christ within but in any event, there is no way to be transformed by our connectedness to the Christ within except for seeking it and communing with it in the present moment. We can do this in every present moment. As we recognize our ego, self, flesh for what it is, acknowledge it and then transfer our attention to the Christ within, this is the mechanism for transformation.

So then listen you Christian, you disciple of Jesus Christ, you cannot transform yourself by conforming to written rules and regulations. You can only be transformed when you recognize the self, flesh, ego and surrender it to the Christ within in the present moment. The more consistantly you do this the greater the outward transformation will be and the sooner self, ego, the flesh will die off.

The Christ of the Logos

From the second century onward, the message of Jesus was misunderstood and misrepresented by orthodoxy, reshaped to fit theological construc...