I want to introduce a practice that I am going to call quantum prayer or ethereal prayer. I use these descriptive terms because of the developments in quantum mechanics, and the work of Tesla and the ancient physicists/philosophers. The idea is this. During our waking conscious hours, we can specifically, precisely describe our prayer requests and concerns. While I am not criticizing typical prayer practices, I am building on something that I have found successful in the past with additional revelatory insight. This is where a written tangible prayer list comes into play. I have used them over the years, and over time have been amazed as I return to them months and sometimes years later and see how much of was answered specifically as requested and, often in rather miraculous ways.
I am adding to this my current understanding of the quantum/ethereal world. At the most basic of levels of our universe is conscious energy. I therefore see the quantum/ethereal level as the basic building block of our material world. By faith, discernment, and introspection, I believe that we are active participants in this process. The New Testament states that we become partakers of the divine nature so the question becomes, how exactly does this happen? I believe that it happens while we sleep. When we sleep our physical bodies revitalize and rest. Our Soul dreams and is either entertained, encouraged, or instructed. Our Spirit, our higher self, our essential self goes into the quantum/ethereal level and participates in the process of sustaining the material world. This is the most effective realm for prayer.
The Prophet Joel proclaimed that the Spirit of God would be poured out on all flesh. Peter in one of his sermons in the book of Acts, said that it was fulfilled in the first century. If the Spirit was poured out on all flesh, and all means all, then I have to conclude that the spirit has been poured out and is available to all. Some are just unaware of it. If it is true of all, then all have the capability of partaking and participating in the divine nature. To further this point, Jesus explained that he and the Father were one, and that his followers were included in that as well. Since Jesus the Logos/Divine Seed/Creator sustains the material world with his powerful word, since quantum mechanics theorizes that the universe is expanding because of continuous creation by dark matter and dark energy, since he is seated in heavenly places, it is reasonable to believe that heavenly places is descriptive of the the quantum/ethereal level. Now, add to this that Paul states that we too are seated in heavenly place in Christ Jesus, then in my mind it is not too large a stretch to believe that somehow, someway we participate in the grand material experiment.
this understanding, I am creating a prayer list that I will fold and place
under my pillow as I sleep, or perhaps near my pillow on my night stand. Let me emphasize that this is the practice that I
will be doing, and I am not necessarily suggesting that you follow it precisely
as a prescription for your practice. However, I am also writing to share the
concept in case you would like to use it as a template that you are free to
tweak to suit your discernment. I will use a bullet list as I am not going to
try to set priorities. All requests are equal and the order they fall in merely
reflects how they come to my mind. This will be an addition to the practice that I have already used in making a prayer list. It is my current belief that we can work on our prayers in community in heavenly places.
(Mat 18:19) "Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven." I would like to invite any interested in what I am beginning to do to reach out to me and we can agree to work together in community, at the quantum/ethereal level as we sleep. Any takers?