Tuesday, April 27, 2021

God Beyond Religion: Thought Forms, and Christian Denominations, Egregores Part 2

Jesus asked his disciples the following two questions, "who do men say that I am? The second question was "who do you say that I am?" Paul wrote that anyone who would come teaching a different Jesus should be accursed. However, let's look at some facts. The first two and one half centuries after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus was replete with many different portrayals of Jesus. The fact is, that it was only the state of Rome, under the Emperor Constantine that provided the atmosphere to curtail all the various ideas and expression of who Jesus was, and what that meant to humanity. Prior to the council at Carthage and Nicaea, there was a rich variety of thought forms created around Jesus of Nazareth.

Early on, besides Gnostic groups not considered at this time, there were egregores for each of the five patriarchal churches and, there were variations within those groups. These thought forms gained power and influenced the minds of those associated with them. Additionally there were many Gnostic groups that had an egregore of their own. It is interesting because those within the group do not recognize that they are greatly influenced by the thoughts coming directly to them from these thought form entities.

Fast forward to today. There are at least 30,000 denominations of Christianity according to various sources. I did a little research and according to the Center for Global Christian Studies at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary there are 41,000 denominations world wide. All one need do is look at the behavior and doctrine of each and one can easily see that they are influenced by a compelling force that keeps their minds captive believing that they alone are the preservers of correct theology concerning Jesus.

But, denominations not withstanding, there are various thought patterns that are egregores within Christianity. For example, orthodoxy is an egregore that has a life of its own. Evangelicalism is a thought form, Pentecostalism is a thought form. One can be influenced by many different thoughtforms at the same time. I am and claim to be a follower of Jesus. There are many different thought forms of Jesus followers. You get them from the environment that you are connected with, and they begin at birth and continue to the grave. However, one can change the thoughtforms that influence them by changing ones thoughts. Some thoughtforms are beneficial and some are not. Some are down right toxic. I believe that these egregores, thoughtforms are what Paul was referencing when he spoke about principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

As I have said many times, I am a follower of Jesus. I believe that there was really a Jesus in the first century. This is important in understanding the thoughtform about Jesus that influences me. I was introduced to Jesus from my first recollection. Jesus was always a part of my awareness that I remember. He was the Jesus of the children's song "Jesus Loves Me." He was loving, he was a protector, and he was accessible through prayer and though I did not recognize it at the time, through meditation, contemplation, and my thought processes. I will soon be seventy-five and this is from age one or two. The thoughtform that informs my view of Jesus is not judgmental. It is a very different thought form than that of many I have met over my life. Thus, this thoughtform assures me that I have a relationship with Jesus and that he is my constant companion. He is my Spirit Guide if you will allow that term. He has never left me and never will. I am not writing this to convince you that you should have the same egregore concerning Jesus. I am simply writing about how I see Jesus and know that he is real to me and very active in my day to day life. Still, through the enlightenment and understanding I have gained over the years from mystical revelation from the creative source, and the revelation given to other mystics, and the spiritual discernment I have as an individual, I still realize that it is an egregore, a thoughtform. However, it is a positive and very beneficial egregore. 

I am convinced that there are many out there who have had my experience and a similar life path that are influenced by this particular thoughtform. But let me reiterate, I am not trying to convince you dear reader to adopt this thoughtform. I am merely trying to make you aware of their existence and the extent to which they influence our thinking and therefore our day to day lives. I simply invite you to contemplate the possibility and be aware.

I want to end this by stating that not all egregores are positive. Some are toxic and some are down right malevolent. I will deal with these in further posts. However, if you read this and judge me a heretic, understand that you are more than likely concluding that based on the egregores you are being influenced by.

1 comment:

Radixx said...

Joe, again, spot on. Perhaps when we realize all of the influence upon our thinking, we can break free of the BS and have an open channel to the Living Christ!

The Christ of the Logos

From the second century onward, the message of Jesus was misunderstood and misrepresented by orthodoxy, reshaped to fit theological construc...