Saturday, April 9, 2022

God Beyond Religion: The Unified Field of Consciousness


According to the quantum physicist John Hagelin it is likely that the unified quantum field is consciousness. In the interest of full disclosure, John is also very invested in yoga and eastern Vedic thought. Yet, I too, on an intuitive level believe that the unified field is consciousness. I am not alone in this idea. According to Donald Hoffman, a cognitive scientist at Stanford University, the universe is consciousness. Rupert Sheldrake with his biological fields of morphic resonance believes that the universe is basically mental, and Bernardo Kastrup, a Jungian Philosopher believes that the universe is mental. As I point out before and frequently, all of the ancient religious traditions suggest that the universe is a mental construct. The Logos is mental, the Tao is mental, and both the Hindu and subsequent Buddhists traditions believe the universe is a mental construct. I am comfortable accepting this as a given fact but am also aware that others may have differing opinions. However, this is meant for those who also believe that the universe is consciousness at its most basic level.

It occurred to me recently while meditating that perhaps a good metaphor for the unified field and our relation to it could be an iceberg floating in an ocean underneath a sky. The ocean and sky are the unified field of consciousness, the divine matrix, and the iceberg is a metaphor for us as individual conscious agents participating at all levels. In reality the ocean, the sky and the iceberg are merely different states of conscious energy.

Individual Consciousness

The level that we operate in mostly is the largest portion of the iceberg that is above the water line. This level is individual consciousness. It is all that we experience on a day-to-day level that we are aware of. It is our interaction with the material world and our relationship with other conscious agents including our pets. For some, it may be wider than that, but I will leave that for another discussion. It should be noted that our consciousness is just a small fraction of the iceberg,

Individual Unconsciousness

Right below the surface of the water is individual unconsciousness. It is the location of what Jung called the shadow self and is made up of all the experiences that we have chosen to forget and ignore. Some of them are simply not that important, but some are emotionally significant but often painful. This shadow consciousness can be the source of all kinds of emotional blocks. It is the source of unexplained anger and fear. This is an area that we need to attend too. It can be done by mindful meditation where we simply ask what areas blockages are. If we are silent, they will emerge, and we then need to sit with them in a non-judgmental way, and if they are traumatic, we need to offer love to ourselves in this area. It is suggested that, when possible, one should seek the assistance of a trained mental health professional to help with this process. If not possible one should use caution and have patience and lots of self-love.

Collective Consciousness

Right below that is the collective consciousness. This has been called the Akashic Records or the Akashic Fields. From here stems all the creativity and knowledge available to all. This is the area that has from time to time been referred to as the muses. It is the source of the information used in our art works, inventions, and developments in knowledge. It should be noted here that all are participants in one way or another, whether consciously or unconsciously in all of the levels of consciousness.

Collective Unconscious

This is the level where the collective memory is stored. It is the source of the fields of morphic resonance that Sheldrake referred to. It is the source of the underpinnings of society and growth that Jung wrote and taught about. It is the source of similar ideas happening in various cultures that had little or no interaction.

Pure Consciousness

Pure consciousness is the unified field in its totality. That would be the entire photo of the ocean, sky, and iceberg, but in reality, there are billions of icebergs and perhaps more than we can count. This is the creative aspect of the universe. This is composed of light that is seen and light that cannot be seen. It is composed of matter that can be seen and dark matter. It is composed of light energy that is seen and also dark energy that is not seen. It is the Logos, the Tao, God, the Source, Brahman, Atman, Atum, and any other named god that is but one single god. It is the source of Christ Consciousness. We participate in this as well and it is called our divine nature, our higher selves. It is the source of mental alchemy. It is the place where Jesus was able to walk on water, walk through walls, turn water into wine, and raise the dead. It is what Paul called heavenly places. YES! It is available to all of us!

Super Consciousness

Finally, at the very top of the iceberg is super consciousness. It is available to each of us as we do the inner work, as we meditate on the nature of the divine field of consciousness. It is the source of our ability to do mental alchemy and take advantage of the law of attraction. LET ME REITERATE! IT IS AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE, AND EVEN IF UNCONSCIOUSLY, WE ALL PARTICIPATE IN IT DAILY. We are there in our waking hours and in our sleep. We are always in heavenly places. Perhaps the goal should be to become more and more aware of it!


Doug Wentz said...

Really solid, relatable great article Joe! We carry a vital existence on all levels even the ones we are not aware of, your emphasis is that there is a possibility to become more and more aware of those other levels. The way my first mentor said it was "there are things in all of us that have not been born yet."

jmac said...

Thanks for reading it Doug! Your comments are very encouraging!

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