Friday, June 10, 2022

God Beyond Religion: Panpsychism, Religion and Science

There is a full circle from ancient mystery religions to cognitive and quantum science. The connection is panpsychism. At the basis of Panpsychism is the idea that consciousness is the basic element of the universe. Here is a definition from the Britannica Online Encyclopedia. “panpsychism, (from Greek pan, “all”; psychÄ“, “soul”), a philosophical theory asserting that a plurality of separate and distinct psychic beings or minds constitute reality. Panpsychism is distinguished from hylozoism (all matter is living) and pantheism (everything is God).

For Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the 17th-century German philosopher and a typical panpsychist, the world is composed of atoms of energy that are psychic. These monads have different levels of consciousness: in inorganic reality they are sleeping, in animals they are dreaming, in human beings they are waking; God is the fully conscious monad.

In 19th-century Germany, Arthur Schopenhauer asserted that the inner nature of all things is will—a panpsychistic thesis. And Gustav Theodor Fechner, the founder of experimental psychology and an ardent defender of panpsychism, contended that even trees are sentient and conscious.” In the United States, Josiah Royce, an absolute idealist, not only followed Fechner in affirming that heavenly bodies have souls but also adopted a unique theory that each species of animal is a single conscious individual—incorporating into itself the individual souls of each of its members

While panpsychism is not a religion, it is adopted by various religions including pantheism and panentheism. There is also a close relationship between panpsychism and animism. Animism is a religion that believes that the cosmos is a living entity. It is common among indigenous beliefs such as the Native America shamanic religions. It sees conscious entities beyond human beings and animals. The mountains, the forest, the sun and moon all are conscious entities. The bottom line is that these beliefs hold consciousness as a top down causation rather than as some material panpsychists see the consciousness at the molecular level and believe that it evolves into greater and greater awareness in a bottom up fashion.

Since I was born into western civilization and thereby into western thought that has been my focus in study. I certainly believe in the recycling of souls or conscious agents, and since I believe that each conscious agent is a mini creative conscious in the likeness of the source, then I believe that free will demands that we are instrumental in choosing our life path in incarnations. I realize that this is not popular with those who have experienced a lot of trauma, and I do not want to victim blame, but at the end of the matter, in my view, this is the least undesirable of all the other possibilities. While someone in the midst of a traumatic life path may find little solace in the reality that he or she is eternal, and that nothing lasts forever except our conscious soul, it remains for me the most logical fact.

That aside, in selecting to be born into western culture, western religion, and western philosophy I can best explain what my thinking is in terms of the development of western philosophy. So, I mention panpsychism, religion, and science in the title. I also see what I would call a preponderance of evidence that consciousness is indeed at the basis of the nature of reality. It does begin with Hermes for me. I assume and I think that the evidence points to the fact that it is at least 5,000 years old and began with the mystery religions of Egypt. It was taken to Greece by Pythagoras and adopted into Greek Philosophy and Metaphysics. This was the forerunner of mathematics and modern physics. The ancients adopted the idea of the ether/aether. Looking back it was essentially a field in which all things existed. The catalyst for matter and the material, corporeal world was the Logos, in other words consciousness. Over time, this gave way to a more materialistic view of the nature of reality, however, with recent developments in cognitive science, physics, and biology we have returned back to a field similar in nature to the ether/aether.

Interestingly enough, in the twentieth century we had individuals that were stating that the universe is consciousness. For example, Aldous Huxley doing controlled experiments with hallucinogens, developed the term the mind at large. Carl Jung, a psychiatrist, developed the term collective unconsciousness. Rupert sheldrake developed the theory of fields of morphic resonance. So there is a circular phenomenon at play but it is a spiral. With an increase in technology and scientific method, what the ancients knew intuitively is being substantiated by scientific method.

I am quite sure that all of the various world belief systems have explored and developed this over arching idea. They have just used different language to express it. At this time, I do not have the study and expertise to validate it but it resonates strongly with my sense of understanding. What I am seeing is more along the lines of the nature of reality and not ethical. However, I certainly believe that ethics can fit well into this cycle that appears to be an upward spiral.


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