the primal dream
energy, thought, inseparable,
conceived the primal dream
substance gave it life
thus, physical existence was born
at first, hydrogen
clouds swirling, condensing growing warmer
warmer still, heat rising
birthing helium,
the heavier elements the same
ever so slowly, so slow
exploding, condensing
exploding, condensing
building blocks of stars and planets
enjoying a rhythmic dance
thought, the catalyst
energy of the universe
thoughts from the mind of God
perfection of knowing all
limited by choice,
flowing from the center through stages
growth and learning
striving for perfection in corporeal reality
advancing, growing tired,
resting in the mind of God
the dance of life
God’s dance!
The Primal Dream
How the diagram and poem came about
One evening, in the seventies, I dreamed and it was a particularly vivid dream. During the course of the dream, I walked on thick dark green carpet, ate a piece of birthday cake and conversed and touched several people. When I awoke, the details were vivid in my mind and I was struck with this thought. During the time that I was dreaming, I was locked in the reality of the dream. I could actually taste the birthday cake. I felt the plush carpet. It was thicker than anything I had experienced. In other words, my mind had created corporeal reality.
Now then, had anyone observed me during the dream, no doubt they would have reported that I was lying asleep next to my wife and was not eating birthday cake. I had not just been to a birthday party so it was not something that I was rehashing. I then realized that since I was locked into that reality for the duration of the dream, that it was quite likely that my life and existence was a part of God’s dream, and that further, I was a limited part of God dreaming my own existence yet locked into the dream for the duration of my life.
I then began to examine the reasons for my existence. It came to me that God, being all knowing and eternal was confined to perfection in the state of being God. I reasoned that this existence would in fact be boring. There would essentially be no challenges. Within an eternal existence there is really no morality. God is not immoral or moral. God is amoral. God cannot die. God is eternal.
However, if God were to limit a part of itself, and create a corporeal reality within a multi-dimensional universe, and set for itself a problem to solve, then boredom would be alleviated. One such problem could be to try to advance through many lives, trying to create the perfection in corporeal reality that exists in the eternal God realm. Within this realm, this dream world, God would create linear time and bring about a finite time for existence. To make it even more interesting, God could completely limit the knowledge in the first pass through corporeal reality. This would make this life quite primitive and not very godlike. God would also provide challenges that would cause the lifetime to be interesting. First, many of the challenges would be linked to survival.
Slowly over time and many life experiences, the part of God locked into a specific dream cycle would learn things. Knowing that the goal was to create the perfection of the eternal in the physical the things learned would be carried over from one life experience to another. This would readily explain why some people are more evolved spiritually than others. I had reasoned that in my family, i.e., my siblings, my brothers and sisters were at different places on the evolution of awareness. We all had the same environment so there must be a different explanation for us being at different stages in spiritual development. I reasoned that it could be that we were at different stages in the progression of God’s dreams. Some had more experience and depth than others.
Finally, after many, many, many cycles of trying to obtain the spiritual perfection of God in the corporeal world, one would realize that it was impossible. At that point of surrender, one would be willing to re-enter the center of all knowing rest and relaxation; But not for ever, just to catch the spiritual breath, and then to plunge headlong into another cycle of dreams.
I do not find this in any way incompatible with my faith in Christ and the redemption he purchased.
Interesting! I have had several "waking dreams" that are curiously Jungian...BEFORE I knew about Carl Jung and his belief in the occurence and re-occurence of archtypes in waking/sleeping dreams, fairytales, relgious stories, mythology, etc. He interpreted this to mean that there is a collective unconscious that we are all a part of. This is as close to a "belief" as I get. This FEELS right inside of me. My "knowing" is sure this is true. I'm also sure there is no "hell," and that humans are not totally and completely evil. This is of course extremely incompatible with evangelical Christianity and why I walked away from it. Also, since I have no fear of hell I am not motivated by fear to "have to" believe something specifically, so I don't. All this to say, Joe, there is something about what you wrote here that rings true for me. There being a sense of "oneness" is something I simply can't shake. There is a spiritual connection between people. I can't shake that. So when I read Brink's book "Discovering the God Imagination," I was startled to find an interpretation of the Biblical narrative that doesn't add up to humans being "exceedingly wicked" as evangelical Christianity believes. I still don't believe the Bible is inerrant and I won't be able to...but I don't think Jonathan does, either. Anyway, I saw your comment on his post about my review and thought I'd pop over and see what you were talking about! Interesting! I will have to stop by more. :)
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for stopping by and reading the primal dream post. I actually think that there are probably other problems to solve then the good, evil and redemption problem. It seems to be the one I and my wife are working on now.
I have a lot of good biblical reasons for not believing in Hell as eternal torture. I am writing to evangelicals on another blog and will soon be dealing with that. I have found a way to reconcile Jesus references to hell with a part of the drama that he and the first century Jews were participating in. The other blog is http://paradigmshift-jmac.blogspot.com/ I think that I have written some things that challenges their current understanding of the biblical narrative and their definition of the phrase *word of God.* As a result I have not been contributing to this blog as much lately. Thanks again for your comments and as I develop my ideas more I will try to keep in touch. Blessings,
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