Monday, August 24, 2009

The Pain Body and Demonology; The Cure Redemption

In re-reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, chapter six, “Breaking Free,” the story that he tells about counseling a woman with a dense pain body and the events that followed remind me a lot of what Charismatic Christians say about demons and exorcism. The conclusion one would have to draw is that the collective pain body as Tolle refers to it is a spiritual entity with a maleficent mission. He even suggested that when the woman was able to release some of it, that it perhaps followed along with him to a restaurant and found a willing participant there.

This brings me to the idea of spiritual evil and pain. It certainly seems, if one looks at the nightly news or the cable news channels, that humanity is encumbered with a strong influence of evil. Further, when you look at road rage and, the apparent rage that is generated on both sides of the political spectrum within the health care debate, one must wonder if we are improving or digressing. It seems rather apparent to me that there is definitely a spiritual entity in this world that could be labeled evil or bad. And, it seems that this entity has the capability of taking people over at times. From the earliest times of western civilization it was called demons or the devil. Most all societies have a belief in evil spirits.

So then, it appears that there was at some point in time, some kind of a spiritual fall in humanity that begat the evil that we experience. Tolle explains it as being the development of the ego. In his view, although he does not state this to my knowledge, the devil, Satan is the ego. I like that definition. The survival instinct is the driving force of greed and, greed is the source of all pain and suffering. It was when we inherited the survival instinct coupled with the knowledge of good and evil, or in other words, the ability to judge right from wrong in our minds that the ego began. It came into being to justify why our efforts toward surviving was right and just, and, why when our survival came in conflict with another’s survival it was this ability to judge ourselves as right and the other as wrong that caused the development of ego.

This is why redemption is so important. Whether one can regain the relationship with the source through believing in the cross of Christ, or if they can become present and realize that they are an intricate part of the source, in other words, an intricate part of God, it does not seem to matter. This however is what is necessary for eliminating the pain body and exorcising the devil/ego. This must come from a sure knowledge that we are eternal, that we are considered okay and loved by God, the source and, that we have a purpose and, that purpose is to bring consciousness of the God within into the natural world. Our absolute faith in our eternal state, in our acceptance with God is the very thing that will overcome the greed and thereby help us release the pain body that the ego has caused.

1 comment:

multimir said...

I have a similar observation, I actually do not find arguments to determine
ego / evil as many beings. Could it be that little creature be one or many individual but acting in full agreement and constantly communicating with each other

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