It is my belief that all human efforts at creating religion and developing spiritual belief systems is an attempt to make sense out of existence, and provide a sense of connection and belonging, to something greater than our individual selves. It is a natural drive, because I believe at the very core of the universe, is conscious energy. Conscious energy is the creative force. Conscious energy, while it defies explanation, is the source of all conscious thought.
Conscious creative energy is also cyclical. When one observes the material world there are cycles to be observed everywhere. Whether it be the tree leaves giving off oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide and animals breathing in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, or the cycle of water with evaporation and condensation, or the life and death of things being born and returning to the soil, cycles are everywhere. There are also cycles of the sunlight and moonlight. Most everything in the material universe is cyclical.
I have developed a diagram that shows how I view the quantum world at its most basic level. At the creative center is pure energy and thought. It is invisible to the material world, and yet all matter is formed by the thoughts of this this creative source. All material things are a part of this source. The centermost circle depicts this conscious creative source. I have used the colors of spiral dynamic stages in portraying the idea. The center is the engine of the conscious creative source. It is invisible light and matter that is the conscious source of everything in the material world. This includes us and everything in the world we occupy. This may sound arrogant in view of how vast the universe is, but I do not look at it that way. The mere fact that our planet exists as a material world, and that we exist with consciousness on this planet, in this solar system, and in this galaxy makes us uniquely important in our locality. The fact that there is so much more out there in the universe merely emphasizes the absolute grandeur of the conscious creative source.
It seems to me that consciousness as we observe and experience it is synonymous with what we have labeled spirituality. I choose to interchange the terms conscious creativity with spirit and spirituality. Of course, the term mystical and mysticism is synonymous with spirit and spirituality. Therefore, I am comfortable with the term quantum mysticism.
I am not a physicist and I do not have but a basic understanding of quantum mechanics. That is ok. There are those who caution the likes of me making too much out of the connection between spirituality and quantum physics. To them, I simply say chill. I am not certain that science and spirituality will ever be completely compatible. However, there are enough clues throughout the history of religious spiritual thought that shows a similarity between what many sages over the ages have taught and what scientists observe about the material world.
The mere fact that it is now believed that the universe is constantly and forever expanding is of great interest in the connection I make between the quantum world and the mystical world. As I understand it from a limited if not primitive position, the source of this continual creation and expansion is dark energy combined with dark matter. It is called dark because it is invisible within our material universe.
Add to this the fact that a group of researchers recently were able to create matter out of light only bolsters my thesis. I don’t understand how they did it but I believe they did it, and it seems that many educated physicist believe it also. They wrote a paper announcing their findings and accomplishment and there was an article published documenting it. So for me it is indeed plausible that conscious energy and the spiritual world are synonymous. It is likewise plausible to me that God, the conscious creative force created all we observe out of the invisible.
This is an introductory post to a series that I plan to write about quantum mysticism that will include Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism, and the interconnected aspects of spirituality and the spiritual world.