Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water


John 7:38  "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."

The metaphor of living water is found other places in the bible as well. Jeremiah the prophet tells Israel that they have rejected their God who is an eternal well of living water, and in the book of Revelation there is mentioned the river of life. I find it interesting that in Taoism as well, the Tao which is "the way" is often likened to a river that is moving with a constant current. The idea of the river metaphor emphasizes that one must go with the flow. It is taught that the Tao is the source of all that is. Further, it is taught that we humans are in the Tao and are a part of it. So, it would be like swimming in the river. Instead of trying to swim against the flow, it is encouraged to simply go with the flow. In this instance, the idea of the river is an example of living water.

Let's take a look at what the prophet Jeremiah said about living water. Jer 2:13  "for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living water, and dug out cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that can hold no water." Here Jeremiah's mystical encounter reveals that God is a fountain of living water. It is no doubt that this is the metaphor that Jesus was referring to when he mentioned living water.

The King James Version says "out of your belly" and the NKJV and the NRSV say "out of your heart" shall flow rivers of living water. The Greek Word is "koilia" and it means the abdominal cavity. This is interesting when one thinks about the idea of chakras. Whether it be the heart or the stomach there are chakras in either case. There is the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra right next to each other in the general area of the stomach and chest. The chakras are important power/energy openings in our body. They are thought to be shaped like wheels. They function in the area of absorbing and releasing energy. The heart chakra is synonymous with our inner being. This is interesting in view of the fact that the biblical record speaks about attitudes and beliefs of the heart. When someone says they believe something in their heart they are saying that they believe it deeply in their inner being.  

The promise from Jesus in the above passage from John's gospel is that one who trusts in, clings too, and relies on Jesus will have a river of living water flowing out of their heart and solar plexus chakras. It is a spiritual thing but an important one. Jeremiah defines "living water" as the source, God. So Jesus is actually saying that out of our solar plexus and heart chakras will flow divinity. This is especially true with one who is in tune spiritually with their chakras. It is the reason that we should keep our chakras healthy and clear. One of the best ways to do this is through meditation and affirmations. I used binaural beats meditation help that is specifically designed with healing chakras in mind. As I meditate while listening to binaural beats I am reciting my affirmations that are geared toward me becoming more and more loving.

So then, since God is love, one who has tuned the chakras through loving affirmations is actually causing rivers of "God Love" to flow out into the atmosphere around them. This is a point where understanding various religious beliefs and practices can be combined to bring about the highest possible vibration as we live our lives. I for one believe that Jesus really meant it when he said "if you trust in, cling too, and rely on me, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water!"

1 comment:

Peter Byl said...

Thank you. Can you tell me which binaural beats and affirmations you use?

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