Friday, November 26, 2021

God Beyond Religion: Why Hoping for the New Humanity is not Spiritual Bypassing

 There is a lot of concern among some people in spirituality, especially deconstructing Christians, and understandably so, about using future hopes as merely spiritual bypassing. The reason is that future hope can bypass the present leaving issues unresolved. This is indeed a very legitimate concern. There are instances where spiritual bypassing is a legitimately beneficial practice. One example that comes to mind is the role of church for the African American Slaves in the antebellum south. It brought comfort and hope while experiencing a horrific inescapable reality. But the bypassing done here in the twenty-first century by evangelicals in no way meets that standard.

So, what about the “new humanity?” First, I think that the new humanity was one of the most profound mystical revelations that Paul received in his lifetime. However, I do not believe that it was really ever realized fully in the age of Pisces. It was much more than a forgiven sinner. In the first place, sin was a strictly Jewish concept prior to Christianity. And, both in Judaism and Christianity sin meant missing the way or the mark. In my view, the universal sin of humanity was not believing and understanding that we are all divine and a part of the divine field of consciousness that Greg Braden aptly named the “Divine Matrix.” Ultimately for the next level leap for humanity it will be required to understand our divinity and the connection we have though one another in that unified field of mentation creation.

It is reasonable that in the unfolding plan of the universe, that the age of Aquarius, would be the advent of yet another quantum leap by humanity. It would be the time when not just the few mystics, but humanity at large would begin to grasp their creative potential, and the reality of the divinity they possess. In order to accomplish this, it will be necessary to take a more eclectic view of spirituality. It will require looking backward into the most distant past of ancient metaphysical teaching and discovering the overarching message of the mystics across the millennia. It will require embracing the discoveries of physicists, cognitive scientists, and new age philosophers to piece together a tapestry of spiritual awareness that can be all inclusive and devoid of exclusivity. Since it is in the formative stage it is little wonder that much of it is simply a future hope at the present time. It is likewise advisable to look at the upward spiral of humanity from a “spiral dynamics” view to see that progress is something to reasonably hope for.

In the meantime, it is likewise beneficial to allow all of the “new humanity” currently available to permeate our present moments and make the most of who we are and where we are. This is one of the favorite things for an author friend of mine named Karl Forehand to say to all. He has written an excellent book called being, and his advice is, “be where you are and be who you are,” making the most of each present moment. Still there is no harm in hope. Hope can drive us to higher heights as long as we do not use it as an excuse to ignore our present. Of course, as the age of Aquarius unfolds over the next two millennia plus, It will become evident whether or not the mystical prophecy of the Apostle Paul came to greater fruition. My hope is that it will, and while I am enjoying my present circumstances, I also look forward to a gentler kinder world on the next go around.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

God Beyond Religion: The significance of the change of the age

Many people think about, speak about, write about the transition that is currently happening from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. What will the age of Aquarius offer? In some ways it is a blank canvas. It can offer the manifestation of a new heaven and earth where justice reigns. It can offer the promise of the new humanity, that was prophesied to Paul, but did not come to maturity in the age of Pisces. One thing it will likely not be is a change that is so drastic that it will eliminate any and all of the problems we experience now and produce a utopia. That kind of thinking leads to bypassing in favor of an expected future. That is not my goal and should not be the goal of anyone. With this question in mind, lets explore the age of Aquarius and the former age, the one we are leaving, the age of Pisces

There is no settled agreement as to when the age of Aquarius begins. One of the many theories put forth marks 2012 as the beginning. I personally favor that one because of the Mayan Calendar ending in 2012. However, no matter the precise date, it is obvious that the age is in transition, and we are moving from Pisces to Aquarius. What is the precession of the equinoxes? Well, it is referred to as “The Great Year.” It is a roughly 25,920-year period where the sun passes through the signs of the zodiac. Each age, also called a Platonic Month, is roughly 2.160 years in length. The age that we are leaving is the age of Pisces, and the age we are transitioning into is the age of Aquarius. Of course, who has not heard of the Broadway Play “Hair” and the song from that musical “The Age of Aquarius” a Fifth-Dimension classic.

First, what were the traits of the age of Pisces? Well, in the positive vein it was an age that emphasized and developed the concept of faith. It was an age that was marked by monotheism and the development of world religions. Since it is a water sign, and its symbol is a fish it is interesting that the first Christians used the fish as a symbol for their faith. It was the age where all of the world religions grew up. But it was also an age with conflict that resulted from faith and those religions. One religion deemed itself the only true religion and the result was bloodshed and ongoing wars. It was an age that developed the idea of orthodoxy and that invited heresy and heresy was met with intolerant violence. One of the most deleterious aspects of the age of Pisces was that it was an age of deception, illusion, and delusion.

Yet within it, some wonderful concepts were introduced to humanity. The age of Pisces produced the mystical revelation that informed us that God is love, and one of the mystics, the Apostle Paul defined love and the fruit of the spirit. It may be wise to see that the ages build on each other, and according to Mayan belief, the ages repeat themselves but in the way of a spiral that produces ever increasing enlightenment. Could it be that the age of Pisces set the stage for the advancement of some of its nobler prophecies to be fulfilled in greater measure in the new age of Aquarius?

Some of the possible positive changes that the Age of Aquarius offers humanity is the ability to emphasize compassion and kindness and truly provide equity and justice for all. In fact, while this is repetition, I repeat this often, it will allow a greater tendency toward the qualities listed by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter thirteen. We will be able to love the other in greater measure, and here are the attributes that Paul described. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1Co 13:4-8a)

What I am emphasizing here is that since we are on the cusp of this new age, rapidly moving into it, that people who are aware of the potential can begin to join together and build thought forms that focus on this. There will be a natural renewed awareness of our spirituality. The line between the material and the spiritual will be reduced and a new understanding of spiritual materialism will break forth. More and more people will become aware of their eternal nature and the link to divinity. In other words, a lot of the teaching of Jesus will take on new meaning. The exclusivity of Christianity will give way to eclectic spirituality that will recognize and honor the mystical revelation from source that was given through out the millennia to many different groups and religions, and a harmony will ensue that will help eliminate division and strife.

Another of Paul’s mystical revelations will come to fruition for all of humanity and not just one group. Humanity will exhibit the fruit of the spirit in greater quantity. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, meekness, and self-control will greatly increase. This will stem from the realization that God is love and that all of God’s creation is divine including humanity and that we are co-creators and participate in the divine nature.

All the while, it is important to not loose sight of where we are now, who we are now, and express as openly and honestly as we can our authentic selves. In other words, the best thing we can do is live our lives openly and honestly before God and men. Thinking in this vane will produce thought forms that will propel humanity into its next exciting phase.

Monday, November 8, 2021

God Beyond Religion: The New Humanity and Eternal Life

"From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him. "You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:66-68)

The Apostle Paul was given the mystical revelation of a new humanity. This new humanity would be an improved humanity. It would be a humanity that was more fully human, and the reason for humanity reaching ever higher human potential was it becoming aware of being fully divine. This was Jesus’ mission, and it was Jesus’s message. Jesus indeed revealed many things during his ministry. An integral part of the message was the message of eternal life. Perhaps the biggest reason for human selfishness and greed is mortality. In order for the species to survive in a material world with a multitude of dangers and the inevitability of impending death, an innate survival instinct is necessary. It seems obvious that this reality requires a potent antidote. The most powerful antidote for this would be eternal life. Nothing would create a sense of peace with the creator more than the knowledge that one is eternal and loved by the creative source.

I know that I repeat this often, but it is necessary to explain exactly what it means to be loved. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1Co 13:4-8a) Being eternal means that one, the soul of the individual, the individual consciousness, will always exist. Always existing while being eternally loved is the formula for a radical transformation into a loving being. When John wrote that perfect love cast out all fear and that one who fears punishment or torment is not made perfect in love he was speaking of the fear of death and potential final judgment.

Over the millennia the uncertainty of what happens after death has resulted in speculation of a multitude of theories. Most of these theories invite fear. Even without deep fear, the uncertainty and anxiety is prevalent. Psychologists have identified the fear of death as thanatophobia. Yes, it is a real psychological condition. This establishes the need for the assurance of eternal life. So it is little wonder that over forty-four verses in the New Testament that mention Jesus teaching about eternal life. He insists that eternal life is found in him. What exactly does that mean? It is safe to say that it is wrapped up in his teaching and mission. This is the importance of the cross event and the resurrection. It was the resurrection that proved that a loving creative source, one that Jesus called his Father in Heaven, was able and willing to resurrect him from the dead and thereby prove that humanity is indeed eternal.

In the above passage from John’s gospel, it is obvious that his twelve closest companions and disciples believe whole heartedly that he did in fact have the words that would bring eternal life for each of them. This in my view is one of the main focal messages of Jesus life and ministry. He taught that we were participants in the divine nature, and he taught that we were eternal beings loved by the creative source who was a parent. When considering this it is important to think in terms of a loving, ideal parent.

This knowledge is important in transforming humanity into a more loving humanity that is set free from the fear of death. The writer of Hebrews explained it this way. Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. (Heb 2:14-15) In this case, it is safe to assume that the devil is the adversarial voice in ones mind that stirs up fear of death and the afterlife.

With faith in the resurrection one can begin to have peace knowing that they, their individual souls, points of consciousness, are eternal and have no reason to fear at all. This knowledge in turn supernaturally produces a greater ability to love and serve others. It eliminates to a great degree the necessity of competition with other humans. This raises the vibration of humanity in general and produces a new humanity that can exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. This new humanity can focus on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, meekness, and self-control. Unfortunately, with over two millennium most self-proclaimed Christ followers have not embraced or understood this most basic concept. It is the key to the new humanity!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

God Beyond Religion: Miracles, the Miraculous, Faith, and Disappointment

"Jesus answered them, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' it will be done." (Mat 21:21)

You have no doubt heard the phrase, speak to your mountain. In the secular world, Napoleon Hill said "what the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." Word of faith preachers are continuously telling people that their words are containers that bring forth fruit. Many new age gurus are preaching the idea that one can manifest what they desire by intention. They all have one thing in common. Manifestation is dependent on and contingent on proper faith. I know of people that have left the “word of faith” Christian movement and have transferred their message minus the Christianese to the metaphysical new age world becoming life coaches for raising vibrations and focusing on love.

Recently, there has been a lot of people voicing criticism of this explaining that it is merely spiritual bypassing. They do so because of the multitude of people for which it does not seem to work. All of the people who have prayed, spoken and, given until it hurts, and not received what they were asking for, are devastated and disappointed. Why didn’t it work for them? This has caused others to become cynical and vocal against the idea.

And yet, quantum mechanics, cognitive science, and morphic resonance suggest that the universe is essentially mentation.  All of the metaphysical and mystical voices from thousands of years ago until now insist that the universe is mental, a mental construct from universal consciousness. So then, if the world is mental, if the All is mind, why isn’t mental alchemy the order of the day and common place? Why do some apparently receive miracles, and most do not? Well, if there is one creative source outside all of creation that chooses our paths it is problematic, arbitrary, and capricious. However, if indeed we are all individual parts of the source, and we have agency in our incarnation, it would mean that we choose our life path, and even the rules that govern us while locked within the incarnation. Further, if we are in a universe of mentation, our incarnation is like a dream. It is a logically sequenced dream that has space and time. In this scenario, some may simply choose to be able to experience the miraculous by faith. Another possibility is that we are all in the process of learning alchemy and some have not achieved competency yet.

In any case, using the description of the life and actions of Jesus, one would conclude that he was indeed the ultimate mental alchemist. He was an expert at creative mentation. Maybe he was telling his followers in the above passage that ultimately one future day they too would be capable of the same form of mental alchemy. They would be able to conceive, believe, and achieve. Is it possible in the next developmental leap in humanity, the one beginning in the age of Aquarius the miraculous will be commonplace?

As I look over my life, I have seen the miraculous manifest at my behest. I have prayed and received certifiable results. Likewise, I have set my intention on things that did not manifest. Through it all I have managed to keep my belief in the metaphysical and mystical. I am certain that we all are a part of the divine nature. We are all children of the source. Somehow, for some reason, we all have a connection with the cosmic consciousness. It is through mentation that we are all connected to one another. When we focus on this, we open ourselves to developing our spiritual power. This allows us to come closer to being able to tap into the mind at large, cosmic consciousness. This is the way that we can raise our vibrations and move toward a more competent understanding of our metaphysical power.

It is imperative, to realize that when we encounter disappointment, when we do not manifest that which we have set our attention and intention on, when our best efforts at positive affirmations do not produce, that we also do the shadow work, and concentrate on ways to improve our mind set about it. We can seek professional help if necessary. The goal should be to press on to improving our manifestation process, having gratitude for the successes and not allowing disappointment to drag us under completely and if it does for a time, seek the help necessary to overcome it. It should be noted that it is not a reason to jettison faith altogether.

The Christ of the Logos

From the second century onward, the message of Jesus was misunderstood and misrepresented by orthodoxy, reshaped to fit theological construc...