Thursday, November 4, 2021

God Beyond Religion: Miracles, the Miraculous, Faith, and Disappointment

"Jesus answered them, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' it will be done." (Mat 21:21)

You have no doubt heard the phrase, speak to your mountain. In the secular world, Napoleon Hill said "what the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." Word of faith preachers are continuously telling people that their words are containers that bring forth fruit. Many new age gurus are preaching the idea that one can manifest what they desire by intention. They all have one thing in common. Manifestation is dependent on and contingent on proper faith. I know of people that have left the “word of faith” Christian movement and have transferred their message minus the Christianese to the metaphysical new age world becoming life coaches for raising vibrations and focusing on love.

Recently, there has been a lot of people voicing criticism of this explaining that it is merely spiritual bypassing. They do so because of the multitude of people for which it does not seem to work. All of the people who have prayed, spoken and, given until it hurts, and not received what they were asking for, are devastated and disappointed. Why didn’t it work for them? This has caused others to become cynical and vocal against the idea.

And yet, quantum mechanics, cognitive science, and morphic resonance suggest that the universe is essentially mentation.  All of the metaphysical and mystical voices from thousands of years ago until now insist that the universe is mental, a mental construct from universal consciousness. So then, if the world is mental, if the All is mind, why isn’t mental alchemy the order of the day and common place? Why do some apparently receive miracles, and most do not? Well, if there is one creative source outside all of creation that chooses our paths it is problematic, arbitrary, and capricious. However, if indeed we are all individual parts of the source, and we have agency in our incarnation, it would mean that we choose our life path, and even the rules that govern us while locked within the incarnation. Further, if we are in a universe of mentation, our incarnation is like a dream. It is a logically sequenced dream that has space and time. In this scenario, some may simply choose to be able to experience the miraculous by faith. Another possibility is that we are all in the process of learning alchemy and some have not achieved competency yet.

In any case, using the description of the life and actions of Jesus, one would conclude that he was indeed the ultimate mental alchemist. He was an expert at creative mentation. Maybe he was telling his followers in the above passage that ultimately one future day they too would be capable of the same form of mental alchemy. They would be able to conceive, believe, and achieve. Is it possible in the next developmental leap in humanity, the one beginning in the age of Aquarius the miraculous will be commonplace?

As I look over my life, I have seen the miraculous manifest at my behest. I have prayed and received certifiable results. Likewise, I have set my intention on things that did not manifest. Through it all I have managed to keep my belief in the metaphysical and mystical. I am certain that we all are a part of the divine nature. We are all children of the source. Somehow, for some reason, we all have a connection with the cosmic consciousness. It is through mentation that we are all connected to one another. When we focus on this, we open ourselves to developing our spiritual power. This allows us to come closer to being able to tap into the mind at large, cosmic consciousness. This is the way that we can raise our vibrations and move toward a more competent understanding of our metaphysical power.

It is imperative, to realize that when we encounter disappointment, when we do not manifest that which we have set our attention and intention on, when our best efforts at positive affirmations do not produce, that we also do the shadow work, and concentrate on ways to improve our mind set about it. We can seek professional help if necessary. The goal should be to press on to improving our manifestation process, having gratitude for the successes and not allowing disappointment to drag us under completely and if it does for a time, seek the help necessary to overcome it. It should be noted that it is not a reason to jettison faith altogether.

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