Friday, November 26, 2021

God Beyond Religion: Why Hoping for the New Humanity is not Spiritual Bypassing

 There is a lot of concern among some people in spirituality, especially deconstructing Christians, and understandably so, about using future hopes as merely spiritual bypassing. The reason is that future hope can bypass the present leaving issues unresolved. This is indeed a very legitimate concern. There are instances where spiritual bypassing is a legitimately beneficial practice. One example that comes to mind is the role of church for the African American Slaves in the antebellum south. It brought comfort and hope while experiencing a horrific inescapable reality. But the bypassing done here in the twenty-first century by evangelicals in no way meets that standard.

So, what about the “new humanity?” First, I think that the new humanity was one of the most profound mystical revelations that Paul received in his lifetime. However, I do not believe that it was really ever realized fully in the age of Pisces. It was much more than a forgiven sinner. In the first place, sin was a strictly Jewish concept prior to Christianity. And, both in Judaism and Christianity sin meant missing the way or the mark. In my view, the universal sin of humanity was not believing and understanding that we are all divine and a part of the divine field of consciousness that Greg Braden aptly named the “Divine Matrix.” Ultimately for the next level leap for humanity it will be required to understand our divinity and the connection we have though one another in that unified field of mentation creation.

It is reasonable that in the unfolding plan of the universe, that the age of Aquarius, would be the advent of yet another quantum leap by humanity. It would be the time when not just the few mystics, but humanity at large would begin to grasp their creative potential, and the reality of the divinity they possess. In order to accomplish this, it will be necessary to take a more eclectic view of spirituality. It will require looking backward into the most distant past of ancient metaphysical teaching and discovering the overarching message of the mystics across the millennia. It will require embracing the discoveries of physicists, cognitive scientists, and new age philosophers to piece together a tapestry of spiritual awareness that can be all inclusive and devoid of exclusivity. Since it is in the formative stage it is little wonder that much of it is simply a future hope at the present time. It is likewise advisable to look at the upward spiral of humanity from a “spiral dynamics” view to see that progress is something to reasonably hope for.

In the meantime, it is likewise beneficial to allow all of the “new humanity” currently available to permeate our present moments and make the most of who we are and where we are. This is one of the favorite things for an author friend of mine named Karl Forehand to say to all. He has written an excellent book called being, and his advice is, “be where you are and be who you are,” making the most of each present moment. Still there is no harm in hope. Hope can drive us to higher heights as long as we do not use it as an excuse to ignore our present. Of course, as the age of Aquarius unfolds over the next two millennia plus, It will become evident whether or not the mystical prophecy of the Apostle Paul came to greater fruition. My hope is that it will, and while I am enjoying my present circumstances, I also look forward to a gentler kinder world on the next go around.


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