Monday, March 21, 2022

God Beyond Religion: My Current Presuppositions

I see the Word/Logos and “the Christ” as synonymous. When I speak of “the Christ” I am not equating that with Jesus of Nazareth, yet I believe that Jesus of Nazareth was a human incarnation of both. However, while Jesus was the incarnation of the Logos and the Christ, I believe that he taught that all of humanity is as well. He was simply more advanced in his understanding of it and was chosen to be so to annunciate it as fact. When I speak of “the Christ” I mean something more than the Jewish Messiah. I see the Logos and “the Christ” as God Consciousness which are a combination of spirit and energy.

I likewise believe that “the Logos” and “the Christ” are the source of all mystical revelation of many varied traditions across many millennia. This is evidenced by ancient Egyptian spirituality in Thoth, the Hermetica that was taken to Greece, the Tao Te Ching, and the mystical revelation of Christianity given through Jesus and Paul. I limit it to the four because those are the belief systems that I am most familiar with. I intuitively believe that the concepts of “the Logos” and “The Christ” are also foundational in other mystical traditions but cannot definitively say one way or the other.

Further, I believe that “the Logos” and “the Christ” are the prime foundational substance of corporeal and material reality. I believe that cognitive science, quantum mechanics, and the biological fields of morphic resonance are indicative of this fact. This causes me to believe that the material world is a mental construct of the Logos and the Christ. I see the logical and sensible understanding provided by the Hermetica. Yet, it is merely one way of communicating the underlying reality of the material. The Tao Te Ching uses different language to communicate essentially the same message.

Greek philosophy culminating in Philo of Alexandria, brought the concepts into Christianity. While Philo was not Christian, his ideas and the mystical philosophical revelation he received were instrumental in the development of Christian thinking. For me, the importance of Christianity is focused on the teachings of Jesus about love, the concept of the Logos and the Christ, the connection between heavenly places and the unified field of consciousness, and the new humanity that will result from awakening to Christ Consciousness and the Cosmic Christ. These are the important offerings that Christian Mysticism has for the world in general. Not in the exclusive orthodox way but in a universal expression of Christ awareness.

I assume that the Hermetic concept of correspondence is accurate. It simply states that as above so below and as below so above meaning that the conscious creative realm can be best understood by observing the behavior of the material and corporeal world. This would mean that since cycles are everywhere in material reality, the spiritual realm also has cycles, and this would suggest that reincarnation is a reality. But, just as humans are autonomous and have the ability to choose in the corporeal plane, so can the spiritual underlying aspect of the person, the soul for lack of a better understood description has choices in the spiritual realm. Also, assuming that the cycle can result in a spiral in corporeal reality, the same is true in the advancement of conscious awakening.

I think that each of us are conscious agents of the one supreme divine, and as such are fully human and fully divine. That is what distinguishes us as being connected to Christ Consciousness. For reasons that we choose in realm of the divine. I also believe that it is folly to try to ascend above the human and just be divine, and likewise, it is unwise to just focus on the human aspect, and that the ideal is an integration of the two. This is the best way to achieve self-actualization. It is by embracing the divinity in all humanity that one can truly begin to love the other as they love themselves. I believe that this was the essence of Jesus teaching. We should celebrate our humanity and our divinity equally.

I list these presuppositions because while I may use terms and language that are familiar, the meaning varies greatly from the norm.


Radixx said...

Hit the nail squarely on the head. One without the other doesn't work. Embracing our divinity without our humanity is folly. The Christ, who is the Christ, yet is us, is true.

jmac said...

Thanks for the comment, Radix!

The Christ of the Logos

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