This is a continuation of the previous blog post, Arcane Formulas, Practical Steps for the Law of attraction Part 1. I will provide a link at the end of this blog so that you can look at it as well and gain the foundational information for this series. It will be best to read as a series, but perhaps this post will pique an interest in following the Arcane Formulas by William Walker Atkinson.
While many esoteric teachings and masters suggest that one must eliminate the ego, Atkinson insists that one must develop egohood or in other words, develop the ego more fully. Not the ego of the material self, but rather, the ego of the higher self that is a point of consciousness in the unified field of consciousness. These are my terms and not the terms of Atkinson, but with our basic familiarity with quantum mechanics and the recent developments in cognitive science, I think it is safe to say that the unified field is in reality a energetic field of consciousness made up of an infinite amount of individual conscious agents.

The image to the left shows metaphorically that each conscious agent is an egg shape of energetic light. In a way, each egg is the center of the universe and this will be an important understanding as we move along in Atkinson's thought. These eggs represent the higher self, the self that the apostle Paul explained is seated in heavenly places in "the Christ." They also represent the higher self from every metaphysical and esoteric understanding, any belief system that explains that we are indeed something far more than our material selves.
Atkinson goes on to provide meditation exercises that are intended to help one develop egohood. The first of these suggests that the person meditates in a comfortable position; that the person becomes relaxed. I personally recommend binaural beats as they are the best way for me to enter a meditative state of consciousness. However, whatever method of meditation suits you best, it is important in the exercise.
During the meditation, one must begin at the feet and become aware of the body and its function. This is done one area and organ at a time. While becoming aware of each body part, it is suggested that one realize the function of each part and that while it is a part of our material selves is it merely a tool for the higher self that exists outside of the material body. This awareness is developed until one comfortably realizes that the real self, what Atkinson calls egohood is much more than the material self, the ego of the material human being. You can find the complete exercise in the Arcane Formulas. I will provide a link at the end of this post for the free PDF of the Arcane Formulas.
Atkinson goes on with another exercise that a person can do in meditation. It is to realize that the material self can be injured by the elements of fire, water, earth, air, or ether. It can be burned by fire, drowned by water, crushed by the earth, swept away by the air, and electrocuted by the vibrations of the ether, such as electricity. However, in this meditative exercise, it is important to realize that one also has an astral body that cannot be affected by these elements. Meditating one can visualize ones astral self as being completely unaffected by any of the dangers of the elements of the material world. This goes a long way toward bringing about the awareness of the higher self, the real ego, the one that is spiritual and eternal. The I AM.
Finally, Atkinson suggests that one must be able to distinguish between what he calls the I and the me. For him, the me is the material ego that accompanies our corporeal body. It is the ego that has fears and prejudices. This is the me. It is a particular character that the we play in the material world. He explains that an actor can adapt other characters and if they are able to focus on their likes and dislikes, their loves and hates, they can easily become that person that they are trying to portray. All of these characteristics are what form the me. To fully embrace egohood one must be able to see that the me is not really who we are. Our true self, our true ego is the I AM that is eternal and exists whether or not the corporeal body survives. It is the eternal I that is in reality our will.
This I sees the material body for the tool that it is. It sees the material body as a vehicle to house the higher self, again as the apostle Paul states, we have a treasure in earthen vessels. The treasure is our egohood. It is the I am that we really are. It is this entity, the real us, that is the one that can manifest our reality, that can change circumstances through mental alchemy.
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