Saturday, June 19, 2021

God Beyond Religion: Jesus Statement About Greater Works, The Kybalion, The Arcane Formulas, and Mental Alchemy

John, chapter 14, verse 12,  "Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father."

Was Jesus the ultimate mental alchemist? We know that he was the Son of God, but do we understand that he was in fact, the ultimate big brother? Paul wrote that Jesus was the firstborn of many siblings in Romans 8, and also again in Colossians 1:15&18. Further, this idea is suggested in Ephesians 1:4 which states that Jesus was chosen as the first born before creation. While firstborn is not mentioned in that particular verse, it is obvious that is what is meant. It is the apostle John that tells about the metaphysical divine nature of Jesus, While the synoptic gospels tell of his miraculous deeds, it is John's gospel that explains his relation to humanity. In his gospel, Jesus makes statements about the father being in him and him in the father and both he and the father in us. He also explains that he is going away to be able to send the Spirit that will indwell each of us. Peter expressly states that we participate in the divine nature as a result of Jesus.  John in his first letter makes it abundantly plain. 1Jn 3:2  "Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when he appears, we will be like him because we will see him as he is." In the verse above from John 14 why would he say that we would do greater works because of him going to the father? It is really plainly obvious when you begin to connect the dots of mystical revelation found in the New Testament. It is by the spirit that the indwelling Christ is poured out on humanity. That is what he did as a big brother. He made us aware of our divinity and showed us what we are indeed capable of.

In the above posited verse from John 14, Jesus makes a claim that has had a lot of different interpretations over the years. It varies from one denominational iteration to the next, but few if any take him literally at his word. Most all of Christian religion say and believe that he didn't really mean that we would do greater works. They say that we would never do the miraculous as he did. I am beginning to understand that we should take him literally. Instead of coming to establish yet another religion on earth, He showed us what it meant to be fully human and fully divine. Let me be clear, it takes some inner-work and shadow-work to begin to embrace our divinity. First above all we have to begin to love ourselves and believe that we are loved and highly favored by source and that we are an extension of source. That is the purpose of our divine nature

I believe that Jesus called source his Father. He taught that source was a loving Father. You may find the patriarchy of Jesus teaching somewhat unsettling but you must understand that he came to a patriarchal culture. However, if one will simply embrace an eclectic spirituality, knowing that there is truth in the hermetic teaching for example, then one would realize that the principle of correspondence found in the Kybalion and other hermetic writings show the feminine or matriarchal as well. If source created male and female, then if one understands the concept of as above so below and as below so above one finds that source is father, mother, sister, brother, cousin, uncle, aunt, and friend. That is the true essence and extent of the familial metaphor.

Further, understanding that the material universe is indeed mental makes the miracles that Jesus did a result of mental alchemy. Now before you go blowing an aorta, thinking in your mind, how dare you say that about Jesus, Genesis says the same thing about the source. The universe sprang into existence as the result of mental alchemy. Before God said, God thought and saying is merely an outward expression of thought. But when one looks at the language of Genesis, one finds that the Hebrew word awmar, which is translated said, has a lot of latitude in meaning and could have as easily been translated thought. Yes indeed, it would have been just as correct to say that "God thought, let there be light, and there was light. Moreover, if one goes to the Gospel of John, and looks at Strong's definition of Logos, it is stated that it means word (including the thought) in parenthesis right behind word, so it could have easily been interpreted in the beginning was thought, and the thought was with God and the thought was God.

All right you may be saying, how do we begin to invoke our divine nature and begin doing mental alchemy which will result in greater works? I'm glad you asked. That is a great question. Remember above, I said that we need to do the inner-work and the shadow-work? Well, let's look at what that might be. First as I suggested above, it begins with learning to love ourselves as we are loved by source. For Christ followers, that is Papa and Jesus. It is important to realize what I had mentioned in a previous post about Jesus' mission to establish a new humanity. The "New Humanity" can be developed first and foremost by having faith. This involves settled confidence in, relying on, clinging too, the idea that we indeed participate in the divine nature; that we were created in the image of God which is creative conscious thought. Beyond this however, it is important to look at what Jesus demonstrated the "new humanity" would be like. He was loving, inclusive, accepting, and most of all kind. He taught his followers to love. While I admit that he was not kind to the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day, it was because of the bondage they were putting on people. He then, did the mental alchemy to grab the attention of the people he wanted to see set free.

I believe that we will begin to see the greater works come to fruition, we be able to do mental alchemy when we begin to embrace the same loving attitude with the goal of setting free those in bondage to religion and all sorts of other evils. We will begin to find that truly the resources available are not scarce and are not limited, but readily available for all. We will discover that the zero sum game is a product of the age of Pisces, a delusion. We will begin to find that the resources of the age of Aquarius are plentiful beyond measure.  As Jesus said, "Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!" and a little later on in that passage he said, "Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."     

Don't misunderstand. I am not trying to push one to Christian orthodoxy, or Christian religion for that matter. I am not referring to sin nor salvation. What I am saying is the Jesus of Nazareth is an integral teacher and has a preeminent role in establishing the "new humanity" in this new age. It is not that Jesus is the only way to source, but that he is the prime source of what it means to be loving. The Sermon on the Mount, and all of the other teachings that demonstrate what it means to be loving are ultra important in developing a more loving society in an age designated for a new humanity. The age we have begun. The age of Aquarius.

I will end with this thought. Acts 14:3  Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. In the first century, after the resurrection, there was a taste of the greater works afforded those who were telling the story of a new humanity. This I believe will again be the case for those who will tell the story of Christ's mission accurately.

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The Christ of the Logos

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