Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Arcane Formulas, Practical Steps for the Law of Attraction Part 3

While I may revisit this idea later, this will be the final post in this series for a while. Hopefully, I have provided enough information to pique your interest in the writings of William Walker Atkinson, especially the Kybalion, The Arcane Teachings, and The Arcane Formulas. As always, I will provide links to part 1 and part 2 at the end of this blog as well as a link to a free PDF of the Arcane Formulas. I strongly suggest that you read the blog posts as a series if you only have seen this post.

In Lesson 10 of the Arcane Formulas Atkinson presents what he entitles "Mentalism in a Nutshell." It is designed to lay out all of the formulas that a person needs to perform mental alchemy. It is longer than all of the other lessons as it summarizes what is necessary to manifest. I would be naïve to suggest that one can successfully manifest all that they want as the result of reading the Arcane Formulas. It is an involved process that requires practice, focus, and self work. However, it is the most detailed set of instructions I have seen to date that explains the process for working the Law of Attraction.

The first of the formulas for successfully doing mental alchemy is the realization that the will of the individual is actually the degree of the cosmic will each point of individual will has within the cosmic will.

Here is a quote from the Arcane Formulas:

"The Arcane Formula for the manifestation of Will Power consists simply in the development of the realization of Egohood—of the fact that the individual is a focalized centre of force and Will in the great Cosmic Will. The higher the degree of this realization the higher degree of positivity will the individual possess. Fasten this truth in your minds: The Will Power of the individual is not something created by him, but is, in reality, the power of the Cosmic Will in which he lives and moves and has his being. The individual has no Will Power in himself, but all the will he manifests must flow through his organism from the Cosmic Will. The individual is merely the focal point of Will—a channel through which the Cosmic Will may act. Ponder well these words, O Neophyte, for in them is contained the whole Secret of Mentalism." Lesson 10, Mentalism in a Nutshell, William Walker Atkinson.

Here is the idea that one finds in almost everyone speaking of cosmic consciousness, the mind at large, or the one universal mind. Atkinson, like so many others states that it is necessary to establish what he calls "egohood." That simply means that one recognizes that they are an I-AM and not a me that is simply associated with material body or the material self. Others call it spiritual awakening. It is becoming aware of what is behind the material us. It is that which can observe our thoughts and realize that there is a part of us that is separate from the thinker. This is our eternal nature. Some may choose to call it the higher self.

Here is an explanation of what one should do to begin to see him or herself as egohood. I apologize for Atkinson using only the male pronoun, but the fact is that he wrote this in the early 1900's.

"It will aid him to think of himself as surrounded for a distance of about three feet with an egg-shaped aura or atmosphere of highly charged Will, radiating from him and vibrating with an intense energy. As a matter of occult truth, this phenomena is really existent, although the ordinary senses cannot perceive the vibrations or aura. Treat yourself every day, or oftener, with the intent to increase the degree of your Positive Atmosphere. The more clearly you can visualize, or imagine, the existence of this aura or atmosphere, the greater will be your degree of positive personal atmosphere." Lesson 10, Mentalism in a Nutshell, William Walker Atkinson.

I find this particular description interesting because in the shamanism of the Yaqui Sorcerers it is believe that the real form of the human is a luminous egg.  The bottom line is that it is very important to develop this sense of will connected as a point in the cosmic will. The greater degree of will possessed, the greater the ability to perform mental alchemy. Likewise, it is directly related to the degree to which a person is awakened to their true spirituality. The more one accepts the fact that they are more than their material self, the thoughts of their brain, and all the trappings that fit into the material me, the more they can realize that they are an integral part of the larger cosmic consciousness. To use a Christian description, they become aware of their divine nature and their participation in the universal Christ.

Mental Imaging:

Atkinson points out in the Arcane Formulas that one of the most important aspects of mental alchemy is mental imaging. The better one becomes at this, the better able they are to manifest change in the material world.

"The Secret of Mental Alchemy may be stated as consisting first, last and always, of the Art of Mental Imaging, reinforced by the Will. Take up your lead-pencil and mark the above statement, so that you will see it easily when turning over these pages. While to the beginner the subject of Mentalism may seem a very complicated one, the advanced occultist knows it to be the extreme of simplicity. Mental Alchemy, under whatever same it may masquerade, may be found to consist, at the last, of simply the power to create strong, clear Mental Images, and to project them into the outer world by means of the concentrated Will." Lesson 10, Mentalism in a Nutshell, William Walker Atkinson.

Atkinson suggests in the Arcane Formulas that one can visualize by imagining that they have a projector similar to a lighthouse projecting light all around. In meditation one can visualize a mental image of what they want to manifest. They can imagine that their focused will is projecting it all around them in the material world. The more specific the visual image, the more concentrated will is exerted toward it, the greater the chance for manifesting the change desired. Whether it be wealth, health, a change in environment, or whatever the case it is through the art of mental imaging that successful mental alchemy is realized.

As I stated at the beginning here are the links to the other two posts on this subject. Post One Post Two

Also, here is a link to the free PDF of the "Arcane Formulas" and I strongly suggest that you get a copy if you do not already have one and study it for yourself. Arcane Formulas


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