Monday, June 1, 2020

Creating the seen out of the invisible: Dark energy and the letter to the Hebrews.

Heb 11:3  By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible.

The writer of the letter to the Hebrews, wrote before anyone knew of a science called physics, much less the theory of quantum physics. And yet, he clearly stated a principal that we now understand about the universe. The universe is ever expanding and the reason is that a phenomena called dark energy is continually creating more space as it expands. Dark energy cannot be seen and really cannot be understood beyond the effects it exhibits. Dark energy and dark matter are totally invisible. Not just to the naked eye. It cannot be seen at all. I often recall the comment of the astronomer J.B.S. Haldane. He said, "The universe is not merely stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine." This coupled with the fact that quantum physics shows that the quantum world is aware of being observed says a lot about the creator. My personal belief is that the energy of the universe is thought from the mind of God. We cannot see our thoughts but they are a very important part of creativity. 

It was not only the writer of the letter to the Hebrews, but the Apostle Paul as well spoke of the unseen. 2Co 4:18  "because we look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal." The temporary world where things are in a constant flux is not eternal. However, the invisible world is eternal. That idea sounded supernatural prior to quantum mechanics and the discovery of dark matter and dark energy. Now it seems that it may be a natural part of the cosmos. While it is not explainable, it is an important part of understanding the material world. Again, while dark energy and dark matter cannot be seen, the effects they have on visible matter are without question and quite necessary to explain the seen universe.

It is not a great leap in my view then to see this as the spiritual world. Metaphysical masters have spoken about the energy of the unseen for at least thirty-five centuries. You have the book of Genesis stating that the known material universe came into being by the spoken word of God. Look at this passage from Gen 1:1-4  "In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,  (2)  the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.  (3)  Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.  (4)  And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness." This is a statement that could easily be explained by the way in which dark energy continues to expand and create more space in the universe. There really is no reason to get up tight about seeing the hand of God in quantum mechanics. I can anticipate that some may think that this understanding diminishes God in some way and that is simply silly.

What it should do rather is help us realize that God is so much bigger than the box that so many religions have confined "the source of all that is" into.  On the most basic sub atomic level we are all vibrating energy that is part and parcel of the source. In reality we are all one with one another. We are interrelated by the stuff we are made from. The amazing part of this is that over the ages the Spirit of God has revealed these secrets to many. Five hundred years before Jesus of Nazareth walked among humanity, it was revealed to Heraclitus and the Stoics that the logos/word was the creator and creating force of the cosmos. They called it the divine seed. The Apostle John informed us that this divine seed the logos/word was made flesh and dwelled among the first century followers of Jesus.

An important thing for us to understand is that since we are at the most basic level vibrating energy, we can most assuredly communicate and participate in the unseen world. In fact, I am certain that this is precisely what Paul referred to when he said that the believer was seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Think about it. Heaven is not above us. The sky is above us. If one is standing on the earth in the USA and looks up to the sky they will be pointing toward the opposite direction of some one standing in Australia. Not only are these two continents in two opposite hemispheres but they are roughly on opposite sides of the earth as well. Heavenly places refers to a dimension or plane within the universe. It is a place in which the source resides.

It is the place that our soul originates which is our spirit or inner man. It is a place that we can freely access through prayer and meditation. If we begin to understand who we are, what we are really made of, and the purpose for which we were created, we will begin to walk in that purpose which is to love and be loved. We are loved by God the Source, the Word, and the Spirit. We are loved so that we can in the image of the creator love others and be loved by others. What a different world we would have if we came to believe this.... really believe it. We are embarking on an age when this realization will come to fruition. 


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