Joe 2:28 Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.
We are entering a time of profound spiritual awakening. I know, the times seem and look perilous and indeed they are, but there is a spiritual shift happening as well. My goal is to take some of the familiar passages of scripture and couple them with scientific development, and show that "the Source" of the universe, the ALL in ALL is much bigger than the box that religions have tried to limit through dogma. And, that further, awakening to the "Loving Source" is in reality the answer to all the problems. I am reminded of the Beatles song "All You Need is Love." And they were right. Indeed, love is all you need.
I also realize that the passage of Joel posted above, was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost in the first century according to Peter. It is my belief that certain prophetic passages of scripture have recurring fulfillments over time. It seems to me that more and more people are deconstructing their belief system and reconstructing in a way that is spiritual and not religious. Currently, science is explaining the universe in terms that seem spiritual at the core. Dark matter and dark energy causing the universe to expand by constant creation sounds spiritual to my ears. Add to this the experiments that demonstrate that this energy is conscious and I say it is time to drop the mic!
Eastern religions have been speaking about the universe being vibrating energy for over a millennia. It is my view that there is a large amount of information written in the New Testament that can be understood to reinforce this concept. It has been somewhat shrouded by the dogma of orthodoxy that was supporting a specific story about the scripture, the Spirit, the Christ, and God. Yet, undeniably, there are passages that most likely agree with the eastern take on spirituality. Here is a passage that describes the workings of Christ in the creation and sustaining of the universe. Col 1:15-16 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; (16) for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers—all things have been created through him and for him. He is the image of the invisible God. He created things that can be seen, and likewise, he created things that cannot be seen. This is a great description of the dark energy and dark matter that is identified by physics experiments into the sub-atomic world.
Added to this is the concept that John recorded in the New Testament which is "God is love." This means that the creative energy source of the universe is love as well. It is a place where spiritual awakening can be a benefit to the planet, and to humanity as a whole. For each of us to realize that God is in us and we are in God will facilitate understanding our true identity. That identity is we are beings of love. When we operate at our optimum vibration we manifest love into the world. As we awaken to this reality, it is important to realize that if God is love, then the Spirit of God is love, and the Word of God is love. The fruit of the Spirit is Love. This spiritual fruit is manifested as joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness and self control.

My point in all of this is that there have been many spiritual awakenings over the course of history and I believe that this latest millennium began yet another leap in consciousness and spiritual awareness. I believe that we are on the cusp of a spiritual awakening that will allow more and more people to be involved in love. As this spiritual awakening progresses more and more people will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in their day to day lives. They will become more loving, joyous, peaceful. They will become kinder, gentler, and have more patience. They will see the creator of the universe as love and will more and more see the interconnectedness of all things on our planet. I am hopeful, and I believe with conviction that there is a significant spiritual shift in the works.
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