Monday, June 29, 2020

How Quantum Mechanics and Metaphysics has enhanced my faith in Christ

Mar 9:24  Immediately the father of the child cried out, "I believe; help my unbelief!"

I am quite certain that all of us have periods of doubt in our faith. I know that I have and the above passage from Mark's gospel has helped me many times. I have often said the words, Lord I believe help my unbelief. Over the years the doubt has lessened but was still there, however, now that I am taking a second hard look at quantum mechanics and metaphysics with a exhilarated sense of freedom my faith has grown stronger and doubt is almost non-existent.

It comes from looking into quantum mechanics. I am not a physicist, do not understand equations or anything like that. However, quantum mechanics discoveries report things that strengthens my faith in Jesus of Nazareth being the Word/Logos incarnate. Look at  John 1:1-5;  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." This passage explains that Jesus is the creative force of the Father that spoke the universe into existence.

So, quantum mechanics and current science explains that creation is ongoing in the universe. It finds a  couple of strange phenomena. One being dark energy and the other being dark matter. The force that is expanding the universe by constant creation is dark energy, that is energy that cannot be seen. Likewise, it is creating matter that cannot be seen, and from this all of the matter that can be seen springs into being. Sound familiar? It should... Heb 11:3  "By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible." Sounds like a perfect description of dark energy to me. Let's rid ourselves of the bad connotation that dark has once and for all. Obviously dark energy, is a term descriptive of unseen energy or energy that is not visible to the eye or any instrumentality we currently have available. This does not diminish my faith in Jesus. On the contrary it strengthens it!

Now then, quantum mechanics also strengthens my believe in metaphysics. At the quantum level there is vibrating energy that flits in and out of material existence. One time a particle, one time a wave, one time in one place, one time in another. This demonstrates that vibrations are important in the building blocks of the material world. Therefore, meditation, crystals, chakra's etc. all make sense and are a part of vibrating energy. This in my view makes room for astrology, numerology, yoga and various other metaphysical practices. When Joel wrote the prophecy that God would pour his Spirit out on all flesh, it means that he would pour out the vibrating energy of the Logos on all flesh. The New Testament explains that Joel's prophecy was fulfilled and thus all flesh, especially humanity has the capability of tapping into that spiritual world.

Because I am willing to accept the supernatural as more natural than the natural, I can communicate with Jesus via his Spirit. Yes, I mean I have conversations with the source via the Spirit. Meditation enhances the ability for this communication to take place. This should not be scary nor surprising. I have heard literally hundreds of my personal acquaintances say that the Lord told them this or the Lord told them that. I believe them! The Lord has told me this and the Lord has told me that and does so frequently, you might even say twenty-four hours per day seven days per week.

God is much bigger than the box that evangelical orthodoxy has created to confine and control. Science has proven the existence of God as the unseen energy that was mentioned earlier is conscious. In fact, the fundamental element of the universe has been called the god particle much to the chagrin of the discoverer as he was an atheist. So for those of you that are afraid that science and metaphysics can destroy faith in Jesus I simply say not so. For me, it has strengthened, enhanced, increased my faith in Jesus.


Radixx said...

A deep breath of fresh air, Joe! May your tribe increase!

jmac said...

Thanks for reading Radixx! Love ya man!

The Christ of the Logos

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