1Ti 2:5 "For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human,"
As stated and implied, I am a follower of Jesus. I have a relationship with Jesus. I know that he is always with me, even when I do not acknowledge him. It is by his indwelling Spirit that the connection exists and yet, it is important that he has human form. I have often seen him in my minds eye. I do not see visions of him in my actual material space, but I see clear images of him being with me, interacting embracing me etc. I find it interesting that the image I see is not the one of the relative of Michael-Angelo that is such a popular representation. I see him as one who closely resembles the person who portrayed him in the movie "The Shack." He is a thirty-something man with dark hair, fairly short with middle eastern features.
This is the Jesus that I want to follow more closely and try to emulate his teachings about loving the other as I love myself. He is the one who communicates with me. He illuminates passages of scripture and he explains situations to me from a cosmic perspective. No, I am not any more insane than most, and quite frankly, in view of the division and strife in the world today, I am really quite sane, and I do not say that in a proud way, but with the most humility I can conjure up. There is a definite purpose however to this confession. I want to try to explain as I see it the connection we have available to us to the unseen world of creative energy and love. Jesus for me truly is the mediator. He connects what I know in my knower with what I speak, write and think. He is simultaneously the ultimate Word/Creator, and the loving mediator.
This quality of Jesus, brought to life by his Spirit does not diminish in any way the Powerful Word that holds the material world together.It does not diminish the fact that he has overcome death and is now residing in the All in All. I think that the All in All is descriptive of the Godhead, and he is the embodiment of that "The Source." He helps us make sense of the unexplainable. He gives us the assurance that the All in All loves us deeply and wants the best for us. He likewise assures us that the All in All has us in eternal clutches. He helps us apprehend with our limited understanding the grace of God that is poured out in unlimited measure on all who will be humble in the face of the All in All.
He is the one that promised that we as partakers of his divine nature would do even greater works than he did when he was incarnated among humanity. I am not sure that they would be greater in accomplishment as his miraculous works were quite supernatural and equally profound, but if not greater in deed, certainly greater in scope.
He is not only a mediator but he is likewise a loving mentor. He is the Master Teacher and we are the students. To be his student is to embrace what he taught. He does not demand perfection, rather simply a willingness to try to love the other as one loves oneself. He wants us to consider turning the other cheek and have that be the impetus for our actions. He reminds us that the only way that the world will know we are his students is by an uncommon love and respect for the other. He teaches that peace and justice is the way of the All in All. It is a shame that his message has been co-opted by followers who are not committed to the way of peace and love. I believe however that we have begun an age where people will become ever increasingly aware of their purpose in creating a peaceful loving world.
Where Christianity, Other Religions, Metaphysics, and the Law of Attraction Meet. There is but one creative source, and the source has given mystical revelation throughout the millennia. My goal is to point the recovering Christian toward eclectic and syncretistic spirituality and a panpsychist view of reality.
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